Health & Safety Policy

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Our Health and Safety Policy

LIVEWELL have been providing high level therapies from massage through to physiotherapy to clients and companies across the UK and abroad. As a result of working within this industry for many years, with tens of thousands of clients, some of which are celebrities and elite athletes, it is important to have a robust health & safety policy in place.

Health and Safety Considerations for Individuals

  • Health at the time of treatment – We will go through a thorough Medical Assessment to understand all medical information relevant to the treatment. We can then conclude if the individual is eligible for the treatment. Similarly we also discuss issues around pressure, any mental related concerns and how and where they would like the treatment to take place.
  • Jewellery and other objects that may need to be removed during treatment. Some of which may be religious in nature etc.
  • Will the area be suitable for them and is there easy access in and out of the venue.
  • Ventilation for the individual should they have any issues around Asthma or if they were to get lightheaded or potentially faint in the treatment.

Health and Safety Considerations for Companies and Events

  • Access in and out of the area of work
  • Adequate ventilation and light for both the therapists and clients
  • Potential Fire Risks
  • Fire Evacuation Protocols and exit points
  • Trip Hazards

Further to the points above we maintain a general health & safety policy that covers our therapists and their equipment. This is outlined below:

  • Condition of equipment
  • Cleanliness of Equipment
  • Health of the therapist (are they free of cold, covid etc and fit and able to work)
  • Qualification of the therapist (Do they hold the most appropriate qualification for the event)
  • Insurance of the therapist (Do they have an up-to-date policy that covers them adequately)

Within each contract or event, we understand things will differ and we will need to be flexible in our approach. This is why we work with all companies / venues and use, where possible, their own on site healthy & safety and risk assessment policies. Furthermore, we combine this with our own to make sure we adequately cover all eventualities.

Health and Safety Policy Statement (Statement of Intent)

LIVEWELL will ensure the below;

  • That the venue / environment is set up and ready for the treatment of clients.
  • All of the staff attending hold the most appropriate qualifications.
  • Staff attending have the right insurance in place.
  • That the staff are fit and well to attend the event and to be hands on with clients.
  • At least one member of staff is first aid trained.
  • The equipment used is in sound working condition and sanitised.
  • All staff are aware of their duties and responsibilities on the day and have all relevant information and contact information for the period they are on site.
  • Event organisers have all relevant information on the therapists attending, timing and contact info for management if any problems arise.
  • The maintenance of safe and healthy working conditions.
If you need to speak further about our health and safety policy or implementing one for your corporate day or event, we are happy to help. Please contact us or alternatively email us on

Need help? Get in touch with our team

Our mission is to provide you with the very best customer service we can. If you have any questions or would like to find out more information about our services then please contact a member of our team today by clicking on the link below.