General Muscle Strains

Muscle strains, also known as pulled muscle, usually arise from an indirect insult from application of excessive tensile forces. Most muscle strain injuries occur from a powerful eccentric contraction or overstretching of the muscle, while more severe injuries may involve partial or complete tears in tissues. Muscle strains are one of the most common injuries, particularly in sport where 90% of all sports-related skeletal muscle injuries account as muscle strains. For most with grade I muscle strains, healing takes about 2-4 weeks, and typically 2 months for those with a grade II strain. In rare and severe instances, grade III strains could take at least 6 months, or longer, depending on the type of surgery received. Muscle strains are predisposed by older age, previous muscle injury, less flexibility, lack of strength, and fatigue. Minor muscle strains typically heal on their own with rest, however therapeutic massages could speed a strained muscle injury, by helping to loosen the tight muscle and increase blood flow to help heal damaged tissues.


These kind of injuries mostly occurs at the musculotendinous junction (primary site of force transmission between the two tissues), where the tendon emerges from the muscle belly and myo-tendinous junction. During eccentric muscle actions, or when muscle tension increases suddenly, the damage may occur in the area beneath the epimysium and the site of muscle attachment to the periosteum. The region adjacent to the MTJ is more susceptible to injury than any other component of the muscle unit, respectively, from type and direction of applied forces and muscle architecture. Haemorrhage occurs in the affected area, up to 24 hours after injury, with an inflammatory reaction occurring after. Laying down of fibrous tissue and scar tissue starts after 7 days, being visible after 2 weeks.

Symptoms of the pathology

• Pain, tenderness, redness, or bruising
• Limited range of motion
• Muscle spasms
• Swelling
• Localised pain and general muscle weakness
The inflammatory phase- occurs within a few hours however peaks 1 to 3 days after the injury. Redness, swelling, heat, pain, decreased range of motion.
The Proliferation phase- 24 to 48 hours after the injury. If a muscle is partially torn, this phase will repair the tear by laying down new fibres to repair that gap (scar tissue).
The Remodelling Phase- up to 1-2 years. Formation of the muscle where re-injury is more susceptible.


Muscle strains usually occur from an indirect insult, from application of excessive tensile forces. The most commonly injured muscles are the bicep femoris, rectus femoris, and the medial head of the gastrocnemius, all with a greater percentage of type II fibres, a pennate architecture, cross two joints. Strains typically occur during the eccentric phase of a muscle action or during excessive loading, where the muscle can become overstretched beyond its limit. Laboratory studies show that partial and complete injuries exhibit disruption of muscle fibres near the muscle-tendon junction, where tissues tear when forces across the musculotendinous unit contract too strongly.
Risk factors: Muscle imbalances, poor conditioning (e.g., weaker muscles), fatigue in the muscles.


Manual Testing – observation, palpation, strength testing, and evaluation of motion.
Most muscle strains can be diagnosed through manual testing, where pain is typically felt by the patient with resisted muscle activation, passive stretching, and direct palpation over the muscle strain. Assessing tenderness, any palpable defect, and strength at the onset of muscle injury will determine grading of the injury and provide direction for further diagnostic testing and treatment.
Often, diagnosis is uncertain and further detail is needed to locate the muscle strain. Radiographs, ultrasound (US), and magnetic resonance imagine (MRI) are common imaging tools. Radiographs would return normal in acute muscle strains, however, may be useful in differentiating between bony and muscular aetiologies of pain.

Clinical grading system

Grade I- localised pain worsening with movement, mild swelling, tenderness, and minimal haemorrhage. (< 10° RoM deficit) Grade II- localised pain worsening with movement, substantial pain to palpation, considerable pain on contraction with greatly disturbed gait. (10-25° RoM deficit) Grade III- (muscle or tendon rupture) severe pain, swelling, and haematoma present. Palpable defect and loss of muscle function. (> 25° RoM deficit).


Treatment for muscle strain injuries has remained the same over the years, with little scientific basis for most treatment protocols. Instead, it provides a basis for the currently accepted methods of treatment.
Initial treatment consists of rest, ice, compression, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug therapy. As pain and swelling subside, physical therapy should be initiated to restore flexibility and strength. Strengthening, range of motion, proprioceptive exercises, and functional training are subsequently followed, that should progress gradually. Stretching exercises should be done carefully without pain, and only to the point of discomfort. Strengthening exercises should progress sequentially through isometric, isotonic, isokinetic, and functional exercises, through a pain free range of motion. Massage therapy may also help to relax injured muscles and improve range of motion, and immobilisation therapy can be used to remain the injured area in a neutral position.


The type and intensity of exercises will depend on the injured area and should be performed through a pain-free range of motion and only to a point of discomfort.
For the most common muscle strain injuries, examples include:
Hamstrings (add resistance in absence of pain):
– Hamstring curl– Lie on stomach, lift foot of affected leg by bending the knee
– Hip extension– Face a wall with hands at about chest level. Kick the affected leg behind you, remaining in control
Quadriceps (can add ankle weight to increase difficulty)
– Straight leg raise (laterally rotated)– raise leg parallel to the bent leg without arching the back.
– Wall squat– slowly lower body down and hold, maintaining pelvis, back, and head against the wall.
– Plantar flexion with resistance– point the foot away while sitting down, holding a loop of resistance band to apply resistance
– Calf raises– seated in the early stages or standing in later stages. Raise up onto toes and lower the heels back down.

If you are suffering from any of the things listed above, you can contact us through an email or give us a call on 0330 043 2501.

Hip flexor strengthening exercises

Hip Flexor Strengthening exercises


Quadricep and hip flexor stretch (lying on side):

• Lie on one side, with your legs extended and stacked on top of each other
• Bend your top knee and bring your foot towards your glutes, keeping your bottom leg straight
• Hold this stretch for about 30 seconds and then switch sides

Hip flexors stretch (kneeling):

• Kneel on the floor with one foot in front of the other
• Shift your weight forward, keeping your back straight, until you feel a stretch in your hip flexors
• Hold this stretch for about 30 seconds and then switch sides

Hip flexors stretch (edge of table):

• Stand facing a table or similar surface
• Place one foot up on the table with your knee bent, while keeping the other foot on the floor
• Lean forward into the table until you feel a stretch in your hip flexors
• Hold this stretch for about 30 seconds and then switch sides

Seated butterfly:

• Sit on the floor with the soles of your feet touching each other
• Hold onto your feet and gently press your knees down towards the floor
• Hold this stretch for about 30 seconds

Bridge pose:

• Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor
• Lift your hips up towards the ceiling, keeping your feet and shoulders on the ground
• Hold this position for a few seconds and then slowly lower your hips back down to the floor.


Mountain climbers:

• Get into a push-up position with your hands placed under your shoulders
• Bring one knee up towards your chest while keeping your other leg extended behind you
• Switch legs quickly and repeat the motion, as if you are running in place
• Continue this motion for a specified number of repetitions or for a set amount of time

Lunges/Jump Lunges:

• Stand with your feet hip-width apart
• Step forward with one foot, lowering your body until both knees form a 90-degree angle
• Push back up to the starting position
• For jump lunges, add a jump as you switch legs and land with the opposite foot forward.

Straight leg raises:

• Lie on your back with your legs extended straight up towards the ceiling
• Keeping your legs straight, lower one leg down towards the floor until it is about 6 inches off the ground
• Raise your leg back up to the starting position and repeat with the other leg
• Continue this motion for a specified number of repetitions or for a set amount of time.

Hamstring bridge with banded hip flexion:

• Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor
• Place a resistance band around your thighs, just above your knees
• Push through your heels to lift your hips up towards the ceiling
• While holding this position, bring your knees towards your chest and then straighten them back out

Standing knee flexion with additional weight:

• Attach weight to one feet
• Focusing on holding your core strong, bend the knee to flexed position
• Continue this motion for a specified number of repetitions or for a set amount of time.

Why should you learn how to lift weights?

Why should you learn how to lift weights?

There are many reasons why learning how to lift weights can be beneficial to your overall health and well-being. Here are some of the main reasons:

  1. Strength and muscle development: Lifting weights is one of the best ways to increase your strength and build muscle. Regular strength training can help you increase muscle mass, which can help you burn more calories and improve your overall body composition.
  2. Improved bone density: Resistance training has been shown to help improve bone density, which can be especially important for older adults or individuals at risk for osteoporosis.
  3. Better metabolic health: Strength training can improve your metabolic health by increasing insulin sensitivity and reducing inflammation; This can help reduce your risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
  4. Increased functional fitness: Strength training can also help improve your overall fitness and ability to perform everyday tasks such as carrying groceries, climbing stairs, or lifting heavy objects.
  5. Better mental health: Exercise, including lifting weights, has been shown to have a positive impact on mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms.

Learning to lift weights can help you build strength, improve your body composition, reduce your risk of chronic diseases, and enhance your mental well-being.

If you want to know more about correct technique or would like professional advice from one of our personal trainers then please get in touch. Furthermore, if you are including weight lifting into your regime and they are causing you some aches and pains, then we can help there too with our specialist sports massage service. For more information on how these types of massage could help you, contact us on 07939 212 739 or drop us an email at

Exercises to target the glutes?

Exercises to target the glutes?

Here are some exercises that can help strengthen and tone the glutes:

  1. Squats: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and lower your body as if sitting in a chair. Keep your knees aligned with your toes and push back up through your heels.
  2. Lunges: Step forward with one foot and lower your body until your front knee is bent at a 90-degree angle. Keep your back knee off the ground and push back up through your front heel. Repeat with the other leg.
  3. Deadlifts: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold a barbell or dumbbell in front of your thighs. Hinge at the hips and lower the weight towards the ground, keeping your back flat. Squeeze your glutes to come back up to standing.
  4. Glute bridges: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Lift your hips towards the ceiling, squeezing your glutes at the top. Lower back down and repeat.
  5. Step-ups: Step onto a box or bench with one foot and drive your opposite knee towards your chest. Step back down and repeat with the other leg.

Remember to start with light weights and gradually increase them as you get stronger. It’s also essential to maintain proper form to avoid injury.

If you want to know more about correct technique or would like professional advice from one of our personal trainers then please get in touch. Furthermore, if you are including glute exercises into your regime and they are causing you some aches and pains, then we can help there too with our specialist sports massage service. For more information on how these types of massage could help you, contact us on 07939 212 739 or drop us an email at

Exercises to help with lower back pain

Exercises to help with lower back pain


Child Pose:

  • Begin on your hands and knees, with your knees hip-width apart and your feet together.
  • Lower your hips back towards your heels while stretching your arms out in front of you.
  • Rest your forehead on the ground and hold the pose for 30-60 seconds, breathing deeply.

Cat/Cow Poses:

  • Begin on your hands and knees, with your wrists under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
  • Inhale and arch your back, lifting your head and tailbone towards the ceiling (Cow pose).
  • Exhale and round your spine towards the ceiling, tucking your chin to your chest and bringing your tailbone towards your knees (Cat pose).
  • Repeat the sequence several times, moving smoothly between the two poses.

Knee to Chest with Rotation:

  • Lie flat on your back with your legs extended.
  • Bend your right knee and bring it towards your chest.
  • Keep your left leg extended on the ground and hold onto your right knee with both hands.
  • Rotate your right knee to the left, keeping your right shoulder on the ground.
  • Repeat on the other side.

Both Knees to Chest:

  • Lie flat on your back with your legs extended.
  • Bend both knees and bring them towards your chest.
  • Hold onto your knees with both hands and breathe deeply, feeling the stretch in your lower back.
  • Release the pose and repeat several times.

Figure 4 Stretch:

  • Lie flat on your back with your legs extended.
  • Bend your right knee and place your ankle on your left knee.
  • Reach through your legs and hold onto your left thigh.
  • Pull your left knee towards your chest, feeling the stretch in your right glutes and hip.
  • Repeat on the other side.

Sitting Spinal Stretch:

  • Sit on the floor with your legs crossed.
  • Reach your arms up overhead, interlocking your fingers and stretching your spine.
  • Keep your back straight and hold the pose for 30-60 seconds, breathing deeply.

Hamstring Stretch with Towel:

  • Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you.
  • Loop a towel around the sole of your right foot and hold the ends of the towel with both hands.
  • Keeping your knee straight, lift your right foot towards the ceiling until you feel a stretch in your hamstring.
  • Hold the stretch for 30-60 seconds, breathing deeply.
  • Repeat on the other side.


Dead Bug:

  • Lie flat on your back with your arms extended overhead and legs in the air, bent at a 90-degree angle at the knees.
  • Lower your left arm and right leg toward the floor at the same time, keeping your lower back pressed into the floor.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side, lowering your right arm and left leg.

Bird Dog:

  • Begin on your hands and knees, keeping your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
  • Simultaneously extend your right arm and left leg, keeping your back flat and your core engaged.
  • Hold for a few seconds and then return to the starting position.
  • Repeat with your left arm and right leg.

Forearm Plank:

  • Start in a push-up position, but instead of resting on your hands, rest on your forearms.
  • Keep your body in a straight line from head to heels and engage your core to maintain stability.
  • Hold for 30-60 seconds, or as long as you can maintain proper form.

Lying Windshield Wipers:

  • Lie flat on your back with your arms extended out to the sides.
  • Raise your legs until they are perpendicular to the floor.
  • Slowly lower your legs to one side, keeping your lower back pressed into the floor.
  • Bring your legs back to the center and then lower them to the other side.

Slow Mountain Climber:

  • Start in a push-up position with your hands directly under your shoulders.
  • Slowly bring your right knee toward your chest, then return to the starting position.
  • Repeat with your left knee.
  • Continue alternating knees, keeping your core engaged and your back flat.

Hanging Knee Raises:

  • Hang from a pull-up bar with your palms facing away from your body.
  • Engage your core and raise your knees toward your chest.
  • Lower your legs back down and repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

If you want to know more about correct technique or would like professional advice from one of our personal trainers then please get in touch. Furthermore, if you are including lower back exercises into your regime and they are causing you some aches and pains, then we can help there too with our specialist sports massage service. For more information on how these types of massage could help you, contact us on 07939 212 739 or drop us an email at

Shoulder Impingement

Shoulder impingement is a common condition that occurs when there is a compression of the rotator cuff tendons and bursa (a fluid-filled sac) between the acromion (a bony prominence on the shoulder blade) and the head of the humerus (upper arm bone). It is also known as subacromial impingement. This condition can occur in both athletes and non-athletes, and is more common in individuals over the age of 40. Subacromial impingement is a common condition caused by compression of the rotator cuff tendons and bursa between the acromion and the head of the humerus. It is often accompanied by rotator cuff tendinitis, which is inflammation of the rotator cuff tendons. If left untreated, it can lead to partial or full thickness rotator cuff tears. Treatment options include physical therapy, corticosteroid injections, and surgery. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent progression and reduce risk of tears.


Shoulder impingement, also known as subacromial impingement, is a condition that occurs when there is compression of the rotator cuff tendons and the bursa between the acromion and the head of the humerus. The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles and tendons that attach the humerus to the scapula, and acromion is a bony prominence that forms the roof of the shoulder joint. Impingement occurs when the space between the acromion and the head of the humerus becomes narrowed, causing the tendons and bursa to be compressed against the acromion. Common causes of impingement include anatomic variations of the acromion, degeneration of the rotator cuff tendons, overuse and trauma. Factors such as obesity, smoking, and diabetes can also contribute to the development of impingement, resulting in pain and weakness in the shoulder.


Shoulder impingement is diagnosed through a combination of a physical examination, patient history, and imaging studies. The orthopedic surgeon will assess range of motion, strength, and pain in the affected shoulder, and perform specific tests such as the Neer test or Hawkins-Kennedy test. Imaging studies like X-ray or MRI can reveal degenerative changes in the bones and inflammation or tears in the rotator cuff tendons. A diagnosis of impingement is typically made when the patient has pain and weakness in the shoulder, and the physical examination and imaging studies reveal evidence of impingement. In some cases, a diagnostic injection may be done to confirm the diagnosis and to help to determine the best course of treatment.


Shoulder impingement treatment usually begins with conservative measures such as rest, ice, and physical therapy. Medication and corticosteroid injections may also be used to reduce pain and inflammation. In more severe cases, or cases that don’t respond to conservative treatment, surgery such as subacromial decompression may be necessary. This involves removing a small portion of the acromion to create more space for the rotator cuff tendons and bursa. Physical therapy and exercises are essential for recovery after surgery. The treatment of shoulder impingement depends on the underlying cause of the condition and the severity of the symptoms.


  • Pendulum exercises: This exercise helps to gently move the shoulder and improve range of motion. Stand with your good arm leaning on a table or wall for support, and let the affected arm hang down. Use your body weight to gently move the arm in small circles.
  • Isometric rotator cuff exercises: These exercises involve contracting the rotator cuff muscles without moving the arm. An example is the “empty can” exercise, which involves holding a light weight with the arm at a 90-degree angle to the body and squeezing the shoulder blade towards the spine.
  • Scapular stabilisation exercises: These exercises help to strengthen the muscles that support the shoulder blade, such as the serratus anterior and the trapezius. An example is the “wall slide” exercise, which involves sliding the back against a wall while keeping the arms and elbows in contact with the wall.
  • Theraband exercises: This exercise helps to improve the strength of the rotator cuff muscles, such as the supraspinatus and the infraspinatus. An example is the “external rotation” exercise, which involves holding the theraband in one hand and turning the arm outwards against the resistance of the band.
  • Strengthening exercises: To improve shoulder strength, it’s recommended to do exercises such as shoulder press, lat pulldown, and rows. These exercises can be performed with free weights or resistance bands.

It’s important to note that exercises should be performed under the guidance of a physical therapist or other healthcare professional, to ensure that they are performed correctly and to avoid further injury.


  • Maintain good posture: Keeping your shoulders back and down will help to reduce the stress on your rotator cuff tendons and decrease the risk of impingement.
  • Strengthen the rotator cuff muscles: Performing exercises that target these muscles can help to improve their strength and stability, which in turn can help to prevent impingement.
  • Avoid repetitive overhead motions: Repetitive motions like throwing a ball or lifting weights over your head can put stress on the rotator cuff tendons and increase the risk of impingement.
  • Take breaks when doing repetitive tasks: If you do a lot of overhead work or other repetitive tasks, take regular breaks to give your shoulders a rest.
  • Use proper technique when lifting: Using proper form when lifting can help to reduce the stress on your shoulder and decrease the risk of impingement.
  • Maintain a healthy weight: Being overweight can put extra stress on your shoulders and increase the risk of impingement.
  • Avoid smoking: Smoking is associated with increased risk of impingement due to the decreased blood flow and oxygenation in the shoulder.
  • Control chronic conditions: If you have a chronic condition such as diabetes, it’s important to control it to avoid the risk of impingement.
  • Wear the right equipment: If you play sports or engage in other activities that put your shoulders at risk, wear the appropriate protective gear to help prevent injury.
  • Listen to your body: if you experience pain or discomfort in your shoulder, it’s important to seek medical attention, rest the shoulder and avoid activities that exacerbate the pain.

If you want to know more about correct technique or would like professional advice from one of our personal trainers then please get in touch. Furthermore, if you are including shoulder exercsises into your regime and they are causing you some aches and pains, then we can help there too with our specialist sports massage service. For more information on how these types of massage could help you, contact us on 07939 212 739 or drop us an email at

Why Do We Get Injured?

Why do we get injured?

Injuries, whether they occur at home, in the workplace, or during physical activities, can result from a variety of factors. Addressing these diverse causes requires a comprehensive understanding of the contributing elements. This article delves into the reasons behind injuries, incorporating statistics and detailed insights into injury prevention strategies.

Common Causes of Injuries:

  • Accidents Everywhere: Accidents have a broad reach, occurring in various settings, including homes, workplaces, and during sports or physical activities. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), unintentional injuries account for over 3.9 million deaths globally each year, making them a significant public health concern.
  • Overuse Injuries and Sporting Activities: Overuse injuries, frequently associated with sports and physical activities, result from repetitive motions causing damage to muscles, tendons, or joints. A study recently published in the Journal of Sports Medicine found that overuse injuries account for approximately 50% of all sports-related injuries. Proper equipment, personalised advice from experts, and robust recovery programs, including massage and physiotherapy, play pivotal roles in preventing such injuries.
  • Posture and Body Mechanics: Poor posture and improper body mechanics contribute to increased stress on muscles and joints, leading to long-term injuries. The American Chiropractic Association reports that poor posture is a significant factor in chronic musculoskeletal conditions, affecting a large portion of the population.
  • Ageing and Micro-Level Changes: Aging brings about changes in bones and muscles, rendering them weaker and more susceptible to injuries. Additionally, micro-level changes such as hormonal fluctuations and vitamin deficiencies become pertinent factors. Livewell Health’s health checks, involving blood testing, allergy testing and food intolreance testing and comprehensive assessments, offer insights into these micro-level changes, facilitating proactive injury prevention.
  • Chronic Conditions: Chronic conditions like arthritis and osteoporosis heighten the risk of injuries. Arthritis alone affects a huge portion of the UK population, making them prone to joint-related injuries.
  • Environmental Factors: Environmental factors, including slippery surfaces, poor lighting, and hazardous working conditions, significantly contribute to injury risks. Workplace slips, trips, and falls account for a substantial number of injuries, with over 30% of reported injuries being fall-related.

The Significance of Injury Prevention:

  • Protective Gear and Physical Fitness: Preventing injuries involves adopting proactive measures, such as wearing appropriate protective gear.
  • Timely Medical Attention and Rehabilitation: In the event of an injury, prompt medical attention and adherence to appropriate treatment and rehabilitation protocols are crucial.
  • Preventative measures: Preventative measures also extend past standard medical and rehabilitation avenues which can be things such as Yoga, Pilates, a robust stretching program, strength and conditioning, dynamic exercise program, massage and other complimentary services to keep your body and mind in tip top form.

Conclusion: Understanding the multifaceted nature of injuries is imperative in developing effective prevention strategies. By acknowledging the diverse causes, ranging from accidents and overuse injuries to ageing and environmental factors, individuals and organisations can take informed steps toward injury prevention. Livewell Health’s commitment to health checks, tailored advice, and holistic wellbeing emphasises the importance of proactive measures, ensuring a healthier and more resilient future for individuals and communities alike.

If you want to know more about correct exercise techniques or would like professional advice from one of our personal trainers then please get in touch then we can help there too with our specialist sports massage service. For more information on how these types of massage could help you, contact us on 07939 212 739 or drop us an email at

Exercises for Triceps


Triceps Extension:

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Keep your elbows close to your body and bend your arms, lowering the weights behind your head.
  • Straighten your arms to raise the weights back to the starting position.

Triceps Pushdowns:

  • Stand facing a cable machine and attach a straight bar to the cable.
  • Grasp the bar with an overhand grip and keep your elbows close to your body.
  • Push the bar down until your arms are fully extended.
  • Return the bar to the starting position.

Triceps Kickbacks:

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Bend forward from your hips and keep your back straight.
  • Keep your upper arms close to your sides and straighten your arms, extending the weights behind you.
  • Return the weights to the starting position.

Triceps Dips:

  • Grasp the bars of a dip station.
  • Lower your body by bending your arms until your upper arms are parallel to the floor.
  • Push back up to the starting position.

Overhead Triceps Extension:

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell overhead with both hands.
  • Keep your elbows close to your head and bend your arms, lowering the weight behind you.
  • Straighten your arms to raise the weight back to the starting position.

Skull Crushers:

  • Lie on a bench or mat with your feet flat on the floor.
  • Hold a barbell or dumbbells with an overhand grip and extend your arms straight up.
  • Lower the weights to your temples, then press back up to the starting position.


Leaning stretch

  • Kneel away from chair
  • Lean forward to be parallel to floor
  • Place elbows on chair above head
  • Bend elbows to support you
  • Look at floor and line up head with neck and back
  • Elbows should be the only part of you touching the chair
  • Bring forearms towards neck and place hands on back of neck
  • Press torso towards floor while exhaling
  • Hold for 30 seconds

Overhead Triceps Stretch:

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart
  • Reach overhead with one arm and bend elbow
  • Bring hand towards upper back
  • Use other hand to gently press down on elbow
  • Hold stretch for 15-30 seconds, switch side

Wrist Pull:

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart
  • Hold one arm out in front of you with your palm facing down
  • Use your other hand to gently pull your fingers towards your wrist
  • Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds, then switch sides

Cross-Body Triceps Stretch:

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart
  • Reach across your body with one arm, placing hand on shoulder
  • Use other hand to gently press down on elbow
  • Hold stretch for 15-30 seconds, switch sides

If you want to know more about correct technique or would like professional advice from one of our personal trainers then please get in touch. Furthermore, if you are including trcieps exercises into your regime and they are causing you some aches and pains, then we can help there too with our specialist sports massage service. For more information on how these types of massage could help you, contact us on 07939 212 739 or drop us an email at

The Secret Benefits Of HIIT

The Secret Benefits Of HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) That You May Not Have Known About

The mere mention of the word ‘high-intensity’ may make even the most hardcore exercise enthusiasts recoil in fear, but this specialised type of workout has incredible benefits that some don’t have any idea about.

The workout itself consists of fixed periods of low-intensity exercise (or even resting) followed by shorter bursts of a higher intensity. The term can apply to any workout that follows this pattern, from walking for two minutes and running for one to lifting weights for two minutes and resting for five. They are designed for you to put all or most of your energy into the ‘bursts’, ensuring that your heart rate stays raised and burning fat as you work.

However, burning fat is not the only good thing about HIIT; there are many science-proven health benefits that sound almost too good to be true.

– It boosts your metabolism.

When your heart rate increases, your breathing speed does too, so it makes sense that you consume way more oxygen during this particularly intense method of exercise. This oxygen excess leads to your metabolic rate boosting itself for over two hours after your workout, which not only means that you burn more calories during the exercise alone, but also…

– …you’ll burn calories even after leaving the gym!

Many people would agree that this is a serious plus to intense exercise. In trying to repair your muscles, your body’s recovery systems will work faster and more effectively, meaning you could still be burning fat and calories for up to 24 hours after your workout. (That means you can have that jam doughnut.)

– It’s free.

Forget expensive treadmills and cross-trainers – all you need for a good session of HIIT is an open space and motivation. HIIT relies on utilising your own body weight to burn calories and fat, so even something as simple as high knees or jumping jacks can end up more effective than weights or other costly equipment. This is because you’re focusing more on your heart rate during these workouts, rather than building muscle or toning a particular area as you may do whilst lifting weights or using an exercise bike.

– It keeps your heart working well.

Interval training makes it easier for people to hit the point of heart-pounding anaerobic activity; this is due to the rest periods between bursts giving your body time to recover whilst keeping your heart rate up. It also improves your circulation and maintains a healthy rate of blood flow, something which keeps your mind sharp and focused, and can help you to better deal with stress.

– It builds up your endurance levels.

This means that you’ll be able to exercise for longer in pretty much anything, from running to cycling and swimming to hiking, and you’ll have more energy to use for everyday activities too. Not only does that make HIIT great ‘in the moment’, but it means that you’ll be seeing the benefits of it no matter what you do or when you do it.

And finally…

– It’s fun!

With no specialised equipment or fitness levels needed, HIIT provides beginners with a great way to see fast results and experts with different challenges that they’ll never get bored of. Similar to a dog or a good pair of jeans, this kind of workout will stick with you for life.

If you’re interested in trying out HIIT but don’t know where to begin, why not check out LiveWell Health’s personal training scheme, Including a nutrition plan for beginners and a personalised scheme that works to fit you, our programs are designed to help you become the best that you can be. For more information, contact us on 07939 212 739 or drop us an email at

Exercises for Sciatica


  1. Back flexion stretch – knees to chest

  • Lie down on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  • Slowly bring one knee towards your chest and hold it with your hands.
  • Keep your other leg flat on the floor.
  • Hold the stretch for 10-30 seconds and then release.
  • Repeat the same with the other leg.
  1. Supine Twist – Knee to chest with rotation

  • Lie down on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  • Bring one knee towards your chest and hold it with your hands.
  • Keeping your shoulders on the ground, gently rotate the knee towards the opposite side of your body.
  • Hold the stretch for 10-30 seconds and then release.
  • Repeat the same with the other leg.
  1. Cat/ Cow Stretch

  • Start on your hands and knees, with your wrists under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
  • As you inhale, arch your back and lift your tailbone and head towards the ceiling, creating a “cow” shape.
  • As you exhale, round your spine, tucking your chin to your chest, creating a “cat” shape.
  • Repeat this stretch several times, flowing smoothly from one movement to the next.
  1. The Pelvic Tilt

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles and tilt your pelvis upward so your lower back presses into the floor.
  • Hold this position for 5-10 seconds and then relax.
  • Repeat this exercise 10 times.
  1. Sitting pigeon pose

  • Start in a seated position with your legs extended straight out in front of you.
  • Bend your right knee, bringing your right foot to the outside of your left knee.
  • Slowly lower your right knee to the ground on the outside of your left leg, keeping your left leg extended straight behind you.
  • Hold this stretch for 10-30 seconds and then release.
  • Repeat the same with the other leg.
  1. Figure 4 stretch

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  • Cross your right ankle over your left knee.
  • Gently pull your left knee towards your chest, keeping your right ankle on top of your left knee.
  • Hold this stretch for 10-30 seconds and then release.
  • Repeat the same with the other leg.
  1. Standing hamstring stretch

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Bend forward at the waist and reach towards your toes, keeping your knees straight.
  • Hold this stretch for 10-30 seconds and then release.
  • Repeat this stretch several times.


  1. Forearm Plank

  • Start by positioning yourself on your forearms and knees, with your elbows under your shoulders.
  • Straighten your legs behind you and balance on your toes, keeping your body in a straight line from head to heels.
  • Hold this position for 10-30 seconds, keeping your abdominal muscles tight and your hips level.
  • Repeat this exercise several times.
  1. Bird Dog

  • Start on your hands and knees, with your wrists under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
  • Reach forward with your right arm and back with your left leg, keeping your spine in a neutral position.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position and repeat with the other arm and leg.
  • Repeat this exercise several times.
  1. Dead Bug

  • Lie on your back with your arms extended towards the ceiling and your legs raised towards the sky.
  • Lower your right arm and left leg towards the floor, keeping your lower back pressed into the ground.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat with the other arm and leg.
  • Repeat this exercise several times.
  1. Knees Side to Side

  • Start in a seated position with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  • Slowly move your knees from side to side, keeping your feet together.
  • Repeat this exercise 10-15 times.

It’s important to consult with a doctor or physical therapist to determine if these exercises are appropriate for your specific condition, and to ensure proper technique to avoid further injury.

If you want to know more about correct technique or would like professional advice from one of our personal trainers then please get in touch then we can help too with our specialist sports massage service. For more information on how these types of massage could help you, contact us on 07939 212 739 or drop us an email at