SoftBank Boosts Employee Wellbeing

SoftBank London Boosts Employee Wellbeing with On-Site Massage and Nutrition Talks and Workshops

SoftBank’s London office buzzed with excitement and relaxation as part of their employee wellbeing initiative. We were honoured to provide on-site chair and couch massages to the hardworking employees as well as designing their healthy snack trays and providing nutrition seminars and talks and also one on one consultations and food planning to their team, transforming their working environment into a health experience.

The event was designed to promote physical and mental wellness, a testament to SoftBank’s commitment to fostering a healthy work environment. As employees stepped away from their desks and onto our massage chairs and tables, the atmosphere shifted to one of tranquillity and calm. Our team of professional massage therapists tailored each session to meet the individual needs of the staff, ensuring that everyone received a personalised experience.

The benefits of on-site massage in the workplace are well-documented, and SoftBank’s initiative is a perfect example of how companies can prioritise employee health. The massages helped alleviate stress, reduce muscle tension, and boost overall morale. Employees reported feeling more relaxed and re-energized, which translated into improved focus and productivity throughout the day.

Having our nutritionists providing virtual nutrition talks and workshops to their teams not just in London but all over the UK, Europe and the world was a unique and lovely experience. Our team also offered one on one consultations to discuss and design their employees nutrition plans with carefully calculated macro an micro nutrients.

This event also provided an opportunity for employees to connect and engage in a shared experience of wellness. It was heartwarming to see colleagues encouraging each other to participate and sharing their positive experiences post-massage. The initiative not only enhanced individual well-being but also strengthened the sense of community within the office.

SoftBank’s dedication to employee wellbeing is commendable, and we were thrilled to be a part of their efforts. By integrating wellness programs such as on-site massages, companies can create a more supportive and productive work environment. We look forward to future collaborations with SoftBank and other forward-thinking organisations that understand the importance of investing in their employees’ health and happiness.

In conclusion, the on-site massage and nutrition event at SoftBank’s London office was a resounding success, leaving employees refreshed and appreciated. It serves as a reminder that taking care of employees’ well-being is not just beneficial but essential for a thriving workplace. 

If you are interested in Office Massage or any other employee wellbeing initiatives, then please contact our corporate team.

What is employee wellbeing

Nurturing Workplace Happiness: A Comprehensive Guide to Employee Wellbeing

Employee wellbeing is a multifaceted concept that encompasses the physical, mental, and social health of individuals within the workplace. Recognizing the importance of fostering a healthy work environment, companies are increasingly investing in employee wellbeing programs. In this article, we will explore the various dimensions of employee wellbeing and shed light on services, such as office massage, yoga & mindfulness, health checks, exercise at work, nutrition seminars, and in-house mobile physio clinics, that can be brought to the office to enhance the overall wellness of employees. Over 61 million working days are lost on average each and every year through muscular aches and pains and stress related issues. This is where livewell health can help bring a solution that can drastically reduce sickness and absenteeism.

Understanding Employee Wellbeing:

Employee wellbeing goes beyond the absence of illness; it encompasses the overall health, happiness, and engagement of individuals in their work environment. It is influenced by various factors, including physical health, mental and emotional wellness, work-life balance, and the organisational culture.

Bringing Wellness to the Office:

To promote employee wellbeing, companies are increasingly adopting on-site services that cater to the diverse needs of their workforce.

Massage Services:

  • On-site massage services, such as those offered by professional practitioners, can significantly contribute to employee wellbeing. Chair massages, within the office, in particular, provide a convenient and accessible way for employees to relax, reduce stress, and alleviate muscle tension during work hours.

Yoga and Mindfulness:

  • Incorporating yoga and mindfulness sessions into the workplace can enhance mental and emotional wellbeing. These practices help employees manage stress, improve focus, and foster a positive mindset, contributing to a more resilient and engaged workforce.

Health Checks:

  • Regular health checks conducted on-site enable employees to monitor their health status conveniently. These checks can cover a range of parameters, from blood pressure and cholesterol levels to overall fitness assessments, providing employees with valuable insights into their health and motivating them to make positive lifestyle choices.

Exercise at Work:

  • Promoting physical activity within the office setting is crucial for maintaining employee health. Simple initiatives, such as standing desks, walking meetings, or on-site fitness classes, encourage employees to incorporate movement into their daily routines.

Nutrition Seminars and Workshops:

  • Educating employees about healthy eating habits through on-site nutrition seminars and workshops helps them make informed choices that contribute to overall wellbeing. These sessions can address specific dietary needs and promote a culture of nutritional awareness within the organisation.

In-House Mobile Physio Clinics:

  • On-site physiotherapy clinics provide employees with easy access to musculoskeletal care. Offering services like ergonomic assessments and personalised exercise plans, these clinics contribute to the prevention and management of physical discomfort and injuries.

Subsidised Musculoskeletal Services:

To further support employee wellbeing, companies can extend their commitment by offering subsidised musculoskeletal services beyond the office. Providing access to physiotherapy, fitness, and massage services at home or in external clinics demonstrates a dedication to employee health beyond the workplace.


Employee wellbeing is a holistic and ongoing commitment that extends beyond traditional benefits. By bringing services like massage, yoga, mindfulness, health checks, exercise at work, nutrition seminars, and in-house mobile physio clinics to the office, companies can create a culture that prioritises the health and happiness of their employees. The ability to extend subsidised musculoskeletal services beyond the workplace underlines a comprehensive approach to employee wellbeing, fostering a positive and supportive work environment.

If you would like to discuss your needs in more detail then please contact us via email or telephone.

Wellbeing day at AMS

AMS in Birmingham recently hosted a groundbreaking wellbeing day in collaboration with LiveWell Health, and the results were nothing short of extraordinary. From moring until afternoon, employees were treated to a comprehensive array of corporate wellness and wellbeing services, designed to rejuvenate their bodies and minds and foster a culture of health and vitality in the workplace.

The day began with an energising wake-up routine, setting the tone for what would be a day filled with relaxation, rejuvenation, and self-care. As employees arrived at the office, they were greeted with the enticing aroma of essential oils and the promise of a day dedicated to their wellbeing.

LiveWell Health pulled out all the stops, offering the AMS team their entire portfolio of services. From on-site chair and couch massages to soothing on site reflexology sessions, employees had the opportunity to unwind and de-stress under the skilled hands of experienced therapists. Yoga and mindfulness sessions provided a welcome respite from the demands of the workday, allowing participants to reconnect with their bodies and find inner peace amidst the hustle and bustle of the office.

Nutrition seminars and workshops offered valuable insights into healthy eating habits, empowering employees to make informed choices about their diet and lifestyle. The mobile physio clinic provided personalised assessments and treatments, addressing any aches, pains, or musculoskeletal issues that employees may have been experiencing.

One of the highlights of the day was the comprehensive health checks and assessments offered by LiveWell Health. From blood tests to food intolerances and allergies, employees received valuable insights into their overall health and wellbeing. With 100% employee satisfaction feedback, it’s clear that the AMS team had a great time and benefited immensely from the wellbeing day.

As a testament to its success, AMS has already committed to hosting LiveWell Health on a more regular basis, ensuring that employee wellbeing remains a top priority in their employee benefits offering. By investing in initiatives like these, AMS is not only nurturing the health and happiness of its employees but also fostering a culture of productivity, engagement, and success in the workplace.

If you feel like having either one or more of our services mentioned in this article within your employee wellbeing offering then please contact us today for some further information or a quote.

How Important Is Nutrition To Your Employees’ Well-Being?

In the bustling world of modern workplaces, where deadlines loom and productivity is paramount, the significance of employee well-being often takes a backseat. Yet, amidst the chaos of project meetings and email threads, there exists a fundamental aspect that directly impacts the well-being, productivity, and overall happiness of your employees – nutrition.

Imagine this scenario: it’s midday, and your team is knee-deep in a crucial project. Energy levels are waning, focus is slipping, and tempers are flaring. Now, consider a different scenario: the same midday crunch, but this time, your team is revitalised, fueled by nutritious lunches and wholesome snacks, powering through tasks with vigour and enthusiasm. 

The difference? Nutrition.

“It can be the difference between your team having energy and being happy at work or not,” says Steven Hartill, Managing Director of LIVEWELL Corporate, a leading provider of workplace nutrition solutions. And he’s not wrong. Countless studies have shown the direct correlation between nutrition and employee well-being, with factors such as mood, energy levels, cognitive function, and even absenteeism tied closely to diet.

Recognizing this pivotal link, companies like Softbank International, American Express and others are taking proactive steps to prioritise nutrition in the workplace utlizing LiveWell Health and it’s team to consult and plan not just their UK approach but their global approach to nutrition in their offices, leading the charge in fostering a culture of health and wellness among its employees.

“Our nutritionists are putting together office lunches and snack selections with clearly defined traffic light signals showing red (bad), amber (not so bad), and green (good) choices!” explains Steve. “This approach not only educates employees about healthy eating but also empowers them to make informed decisions about their diet throughout the workday.”

The benefits of such initiatives extend far beyond mere physical health. By providing nutritious options in the workplace, companies can enhance employee morale, engagement, and overall job satisfaction. After all, a well-fed workforce is a happy and productive workforce.

If you’re intrigued by the idea of revolutionising your workplace nutrition, LIVEWELL stands ready to assist. “If you are interested in something similar, get in touch, and we can talk you through some great options to spark your team into making healthy choices!” encourages Steve.

In today’s competitive landscape, where talent retention and employee satisfaction reign supreme, investing in the well-being of your workforce isn’t just a luxury – it’s a strategic imperative. And when it comes to nurturing a healthy, vibrant workplace culture, the importance of nutrition cannot be overstated. So, ask yourself: Is your company feeding success, or sowing the seeds of stagnation? The choice is yours.

For more information on our Nutrition Workshops and Seminars or our Corporate Wellbeing and employee wellbeing initiatives please use the links provided.