Rest vs Activity

Rest vs Activity

Rest and activity are necessary for overall health and well-being, and striking the right balance between the two is vital.

Rest is essential for the body to recover from physical and mental exertion. During rest, the body can repair tissues, replenish energy stores, and consolidate memories. Adequate rest can help reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance cognitive function.

On the other hand, physical activity is necessary for maintaining cardiovascular health, building muscle strength and endurance, improving flexibility and balance, and supporting healthy weight management.

It has also been shown that regular exercise can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and specific types of cancer. Additionally, physical activity can improve mental health and cognitive function.

Ultimately, the appropriate balance between rest and activity will depend on an individual’s unique needs and goals. Some people may require more rest than others, while some may need more physical activity to achieve optimal health. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional or fitness expert to develop a personalized plan that meets your individual needs.

Physical activity guidelines

The physical activity guidelines recommend individuals of all ages and abilities maintain good health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. The following are some general guidelines:

  1. For adults aged 18-64, engaging in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity per week, 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical exercise per week, or a combination of both, is recommended.
  2. Muscle-strengthening activities involving major muscle groups should be done two or more days per week.
  3. For children and adolescents aged 6-17 years, engaging in at least 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity every day is recommended.
  4. For older adults aged 65 years and above, engaging in moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity for at least 150 minutes per week or in physical activity that combines moderate and vigorous-intensity activities is recommended.
  5. It is essential to avoid prolonged sitting and to engage in regular physical activity throughout the day.

These guidelines provide general recommendations for physical activity and may vary based on an individual’s health status, medical conditions, and other factors. It is always essential to consult with a healthcare professional before beginning a new exercise program or increasing physical activity levels.

Number of hours of sleep

The amount of sleep needed varies by age, with different age groups requiring different amounts of sleep. The National Sleep Foundation provides the following general guidelines for recommended hours of sleep by age:

  1. Preschoolers (3-5 years): 10-13 hours per day
  2. School-aged children (6-13 years): 9-11 hours per day
  3. Teenagers (14-17 years): 8-10 hours per day
  4. Young adults (18-25 years): 7-9 hours per day
  5. Adults (26-64 years): 7-9 hours per day
  6. Older adults (65+ years): 7-8 hours per day

It is vital to note that these are the general guidelines, and individual sleep needs may vary based on factors such as activity level, health status, and individual differences. Additionally, it is essential to prioritize getting enough sleep for optimal health and well-being, as sleep plays a vital role in good physical and mental health.

f you want to know more about correct technique or would like professional advice from one of our personal trainers then please get in touch. Furthermore, if you are feeling the negatives of a lack of sleep, then we can help there too with our specialist sports massage service. For more information on how these types of massage could help you, contact us on 07939 212 739 or drop us an email at


How serious can stress be?

Unveiling the Hidden Benefits of Massage Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide to Physical and Mental Wellbeing

Stress has been a secret killer for many years. In today’s world we are told to just “deal with it” or “Stop whining” but stress can be a serious factor in not just mental concerns but musculoskeletal issues. Massage therapy has long been recognized for its efficacy in addressing physical discomfort. However, the impact of massages extends far beyond the realm of soft tissue recovery. In this article, we’ll explore the often-overlooked mental health benefits of various massage types, shedding light on the crucial role they play in stress relief, overall wellbeing, and disease prevention.

Stress has become an omnipresent force in modern life, affecting individuals both mentally and physically. While it is a normal response to challenges, chronic stress poses a significant risk to overall health. Understanding the intricate connection between stress and its impact on the body is essential in appreciating the value of massage therapy.

How serious can stress be

Stress’s Toll on Health:

  • Persistent stress has been linked to an increased risk of chronic diseases. Research indicates that ongoing stress can elevate the chances of cardiovascular diseases and digestive problems by 60%. Moreover, it accelerates the ageing process and compromises immune system functionality. The need to combat stress before it takes a toll on day-to-day life is paramount.

Massage as a Stress Buster:

  • Massage therapy emerges as a powerful tool in the battle against stress. Beyond its physical benefits, massages induce a state of relaxation that helps alleviate anxiety, reduce built-up tension, and contribute to an overall sense of calm. By addressing stress proactively, individuals can mitigate the risk of associated health issues.

Understanding the Benefits of Massage Therapy:

Massage therapy, when integrated into practices like remedial and Swedish massage, offers a holistic approach to physical and mental wellbeing.

Relief from Aches and Pains:

  • The primary role of massage therapy is to alleviate the physical discomfort associated with everyday life. Whether it’s tight or sore muscles, massages help improve flexibility, range of motion, and blood circulation. This relief from physical tension directly contributes to stress reduction.

Stress Reduction through Breathing and Pain Relief:

  • Specialised massage techniques, such as those employed in remedial massages, facilitate slower breathing and targeted pain relief. This combination plays a pivotal role in calming the mind and relaxing the entire body. The result is a rejuvenated and refreshed state, enabling individuals to tackle daily activities with a clearer mindset.

LiveWell Health: Bridging the Gap to Wellbeing

  • LiveWell Health recognizes the interconnectedness of physical and mental health and offers a diverse range of massage techniques to address various health aspects.

Sports Massages for Enhanced Agility and Recovery:

  • Tailored for athletes and fitness enthusiasts, sports massage at LiveWell Health contribute to improved agility and faster recovery from sports-related injuries. These massages focus on specific muscle groups, aiding in performance enhancement and injury prevention.

Swedish and Remedial Massages for General Wellbeing:

  • LiveWell Health’s Swedish and remedial massages go beyond physical relief. They improve circulation, enhance mental health and wellbeing, and provide an overall sense of rejuvenation. The experienced professionals at LiveWell Health ensure that clients receive top-quality treatment tailored to their unique needs.

Reflexology for a focused and specific requirement:

  • LiveWell Health’s reflexology team carry a mastership in the subject and as such work with people ranging from children to the elderly on issues around stress, womens help, fertility and also palliative care. Reflexology can be used as a more gentle focused approach to massage and gives potential customers the option of something less vigorous.


As we navigate the challenges of modern life, prioritising both physical and mental wellbeing is crucial. Massage therapy emerges as a holistic approach to achieving this balance. By unravelling the hidden benefits of massages, particularly their impact on stress relief, LiveWell Health aims to empower individuals to proactively manage their health. Whether addressing aches and pains, enhancing athletic performance, or promoting overall mental wellbeing, the diverse range of massages offered by LiveWell Health stands as a testament to their commitment to comprehensive wellness.

For more information on how massage therapy and reflexology can benefit you, contact us on 07939 212 739 or via email at