Mental Health Awareness Week : Ideas for a positive workplace

Moving Minds: Mental Health Awareness Week Embraces the Power of Movement

Mental Health Awareness Week, aims to draw attention to the vital relationship between physical activity and mental wellbeing. This year’s theme (2024), “Movement: Moving more for our mental health,” underscores the significant impact of exercise on our psychological and emotional resilience. In this article, we delve into the importance of Mental Health Awareness Week and highlight how LiveWell Health’s employee wellbeing services, including office massage, onsite reflexology, exercise at work, and positive nutrition choices through our nutrition seminars and workshops, contribute to fostering mental health in the workplace.

The Significance of Mental Health Awareness Week:

Mental Health Awareness Week serves as a crucial annual event, bringing attention to mental health issues and encouraging open conversations about wellbeing. In 2024, the theme “Movement” underscores the positive effects of physical activity on mental health. The initiative recognizes the challenges many individuals face in incorporating enough exercise into their daily lives and aims to inspire positive change.

The Power of Movement for Mental Health:

Research consistently highlights the myriad benefits of physical activity for mental health. Regular exercise has been shown to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, improve mood, enhance cognitive function, and contribute to overall emotional wellbeing. Despite these well-documented advantages, many individuals struggle to prioritize movement in their routines.

LiveWell Health’s Commitment to Mental Health:

LiveWell Health is at the forefront of promoting mental health in the workplace through its comprehensive employee wellbeing services. These services are designed to address various facets of mental wellbeing, including stress reduction, relaxation, and the promotion of healthy lifestyle choices.

Massage and Reflexology:

  • LiveWell Health’s massage and reflexology services offer employees an opportunity to unwind and release tension, promoting relaxation and stress relief. These therapies contribute not only to physical relaxation but also have positive effects on mental and emotional states, fostering a sense of calm and wellbeing.

Exercise Programs:

  • Recognizing the profound impact of movement on mental health, LiveWell Health offers exercise programs tailored for the workplace. These programs provide employees with accessible and engaging ways to incorporate physical activity into their daily lives, contributing to improved mood and overall mental wellbeing.

Positive Nutrition Choices:

  • LiveWell Health places a strong emphasis on the connection between nutrition and mental health. Their programs include guidance on positive nutrition choices, empowering employees to make food choices that support not only their physical health but also their mental and emotional resilience.

Encouraging a Movement-Focused Workplace:

During Mental Health Awareness Week, companies can collaborate with LiveWell Health to create movement-focused initiatives within the workplace. This may involve organizing group exercise activities, wellness challenges, or incorporating movement breaks into the workday, fostering a culture that prioritizes both physical and mental wellbeing.


Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 encourages individuals and organizations to recognize the profound impact of movement on mental health. LiveWell Health’s commitment to employee wellbeing aligns seamlessly with this theme, offering services that prioritize relaxation, physical activity, and positive nutrition choices. By embracing the connection between movement and mental health, companies can contribute to a workplace culture that values the holistic wellbeing of its employees, fostering a healthier, happier, and more productive work environment.

If you would like to know how livewell can help with your mental health awareness week, making it a week to remember for all the right reasons then please contact us today on email or telephone.

Relaxation and Renewal to the Birmingham Office of BioCare

In October 2022, LiveWell had the pleasure of enhancing the well-being of employees at BioCare‘s Birmingham office by providing a massage therapist and a yoga instructor for a two-day wellness event. Our goal was to help the BioCare team de-stress and rejuvenate, and the results were overwhelmingly positive.

On the first day, our skilled massage therapist offered neck and shoulder chair massages throughout the day. These massages aimed to alleviate tension, reduce stress, and promote overall relaxation. Employees eagerly took advantage of the opportunity to enjoy a calming and therapeutic experience right at their workplace. The immediate relief from muscle tension and the boost in morale were evident as employees returned to their desks feeling refreshed and revitalised.

The following day, our certified yoga instructor led a yoga and mindfulness session designed to help the team unwind and stretch their tired bodies. The session included gentle stretches, deep breathing exercises, and mindfulness techniques, providing a comprehensive approach to physical and mental well-being. Participants appreciated the chance to engage in these activities, which helped them feel more centred and balanced.

Both days were a resounding success. The LiveWell team thoroughly enjoyed the experience, and the feedback from BioCare employees was exceptionally positive. Many expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to participate in these wellness activities, noting the significant benefits to their physical and mental health.

This two-day corporate wellbeing event at BioCare underscored the importance of incorporating wellness programs into the workplace. By investing in the health and well-being of their staff, BioCare demonstrated a commitment to creating a supportive and positive work environment. The success of this event highlights how such initiatives can boost employee morale, productivity, and overall job satisfaction.

LiveWell looks forward to future collaborations with BioCare and other companies, continuing our mission to promote health and wellness in the workplace. We are excited to bring our expertise to more employees, helping them achieve balance and well-being in their professional lives.

If you are interested in our office massage or yoga and mindfulness sessions or indeed any other wellbeing services please contact us or make a corporate wellbeing day booking.

BioCare Office Chair Massage


Elevating Employee Wellbeing at British Gypsum

Elevating Employee Wellbeing at British Gypsum (Saint Gobain)

LiveWell was delighted to participate in the Employee Wellbeing Day event, hosted by British Gypsum (Saint Gobain), at their Leicester office. Responding to their request, we provided a skilled massage therapist and a certified yoga instructor to contribute to the health and wellness of their employees.

Our massage therapist offered onsite chair massage services, delivering much-needed relief to the hardworking team. The corporate massages helped alleviate muscle tension, reduce stress, and promote relaxation. Employees appreciated the break from their routine and the opportunity to enjoy a soothing massage right at their workplace.

In addition to massage services, our yoga instructor conducted a yoga and mindfulness session designed to help employees relax, unwind, and stretch their tired bodies. The session focused on gentle stretches, breathing exercises, and mindfulness techniques, providing a comprehensive approach to physical and mental well-being. Participants left the session feeling refreshed and more centred, ready to tackle their work with renewed energy.

The day was a resounding success, with both the LiveWell team and the employees of British Gypsum thoroughly enjoying the experience. The positive feedback we received highlighted the appreciation for the services provided and the noticeable impact on employee well-being. Employees expressed gratitude for the opportunity to engage in activities that not only helped them physically but also enhanced their mental clarity and overall mood.

This event underscores the importance of integrating wellness programs into the workplace. By investing in the health and well-being of their staff, British Gypsum demonstrated a commitment to fostering a supportive and positive work environment. The success of the Employee Wellbeing Day showcases how such initiatives can significantly boost employee morale and productivity.

LiveWell looks forward to future collaborations with British Gypsum and other companies, continuing our mission to promote health and wellness in the workplace. We are excited to bring our expertise to more employees, helping them achieve balance and well-being in their professional lives.

For further information please contact us today or use our corporate booking page to make an enquiry.

British Gypsum Yoga and Mindfullness Event for a Corporate Wellbeing Day