What is employee wellbeing

Nurturing Workplace Happiness: A Comprehensive Guide to Employee Wellbeing

Employee wellbeing is a multifaceted concept that encompasses the physical, mental, and social health of individuals within the workplace. Recognizing the importance of fostering a healthy work environment, companies are increasingly investing in employee wellbeing programs. In this article, we will explore the various dimensions of employee wellbeing and shed light on services, such as office massage, yoga & mindfulness, health checks, exercise at work, nutrition seminars, and in-house mobile physio clinics, that can be brought to the office to enhance the overall wellness of employees. Over 61 million working days are lost on average each and every year through muscular aches and pains and stress related issues. This is where livewell health can help bring a solution that can drastically reduce sickness and absenteeism.

Understanding Employee Wellbeing:

Employee wellbeing goes beyond the absence of illness; it encompasses the overall health, happiness, and engagement of individuals in their work environment. It is influenced by various factors, including physical health, mental and emotional wellness, work-life balance, and the organisational culture.

Bringing Wellness to the Office:

To promote employee wellbeing, companies are increasingly adopting on-site services that cater to the diverse needs of their workforce.

Massage Services:

  • On-site massage services, such as those offered by professional practitioners, can significantly contribute to employee wellbeing. Chair massages, within the office, in particular, provide a convenient and accessible way for employees to relax, reduce stress, and alleviate muscle tension during work hours.

Yoga and Mindfulness:

  • Incorporating yoga and mindfulness sessions into the workplace can enhance mental and emotional wellbeing. These practices help employees manage stress, improve focus, and foster a positive mindset, contributing to a more resilient and engaged workforce.

Health Checks:

  • Regular health checks conducted on-site enable employees to monitor their health status conveniently. These checks can cover a range of parameters, from blood pressure and cholesterol levels to overall fitness assessments, providing employees with valuable insights into their health and motivating them to make positive lifestyle choices.

Exercise at Work:

  • Promoting physical activity within the office setting is crucial for maintaining employee health. Simple initiatives, such as standing desks, walking meetings, or on-site fitness classes, encourage employees to incorporate movement into their daily routines.

Nutrition Seminars and Workshops:

  • Educating employees about healthy eating habits through on-site nutrition seminars and workshops helps them make informed choices that contribute to overall wellbeing. These sessions can address specific dietary needs and promote a culture of nutritional awareness within the organisation.

In-House Mobile Physio Clinics:

  • On-site physiotherapy clinics provide employees with easy access to musculoskeletal care. Offering services like ergonomic assessments and personalised exercise plans, these clinics contribute to the prevention and management of physical discomfort and injuries.

Subsidised Musculoskeletal Services:

To further support employee wellbeing, companies can extend their commitment by offering subsidised musculoskeletal services beyond the office. Providing access to physiotherapy, fitness, and massage services at home or in external clinics demonstrates a dedication to employee health beyond the workplace.


Employee wellbeing is a holistic and ongoing commitment that extends beyond traditional benefits. By bringing services like massage, yoga, mindfulness, health checks, exercise at work, nutrition seminars, and in-house mobile physio clinics to the office, companies can create a culture that prioritises the health and happiness of their employees. The ability to extend subsidised musculoskeletal services beyond the workplace underlines a comprehensive approach to employee wellbeing, fostering a positive and supportive work environment.

If you would like to discuss your needs in more detail then please contact us via email or telephone.

When is employee appreciation day?

Celebrating Employee Appreciation Day with LiveWell Health: Enhancing Workplace Wellbeing

Employee Appreciation Day is a special occasion dedicated to recognizing and honouring the hard work and contributions of employees in organisations worldwide. This day provides employers with the opportunity to express their gratitude, appreciation for their employees with a view on improving the working environment. Companies celebrate this day in many ways, office parties, paid meals, health & wellbeing talks and much more. One of the most effective ways to celebrate this day however which will directly lead to reduced sickness, absenteeism and musculoskeletal issues is by incorporating employee wellbeing initiatives, such as those offered by LiveWell Health. In this article, we’ll explore the significance of Employee Appreciation Day and how companies can utilise our services to create a memorable and rejuvenating experience for their employees.

When is Employee Appreciation Day?

Employee Appreciation Day is typically celebrated on the first Friday in March each year. This day serves as a reminder for employers to acknowledge the dedication and hard work of their staff and to create a positive workplace culture.

LiveWell Health: Elevating Employee Wellbeing:

LiveWell Health is a leading provider of employee wellbeing services that focus on enhancing physical and mental health in the workplace. Our comprehensive offerings include office massage (chair or couch massage), yoga & mindfulness sessions, onsite physio clinics, health checks, nutrition seminars and workshops as well as exercise at work initiatives which are designed to promote a healthier work environment.

Office Massage:

One of the standout services offered by LiveWell Health is our onsite massage, which can be performed in an office, commercial building, warehouse and any other working environment. It can sometimes be misleading to refer to this service as Office Massage however it is just because this is usually what people look for, but onsite massage is the same thing. This service involves bringing professional massage therapists directly to the workplace to provide employees with relaxing and rejuvenating massages. This not only helps alleviate stress and tension but also boosts morale and therefore mental health and fosters a sense of appreciation. Furthermore, as all our therapists have a base level university degree qualification in either sports therapy or physiotherapy (3 years), we can work with your employees on any injuries, long term aches or pains and provide high level advice and care as well as rehabilitation plans at the same time.

Yoga and Mindfulness Sessions:

Our yoga and mindfulness sessions are tailored to address the unique challenges of the modern workplace. By incorporating these practices into Employee Appreciation Day, companies can encourage employees to take a break from their hectic schedules and focus on mental and physical wellbeing. These sessions contribute to increased productivity, reduced stress levels, and improved overall job satisfaction. Also, lets be honest, it’s nice to just sit and be quiet especially in a noisy workplace right?

Health Checks

Our new and industry leading health check service is fast becoming the popular go to for our clients. We regularly take our bodies and minds for granted and although we will service and mot our vehicles once a year, we never think to do the same with our bodies. That’s where our health checks play a vital role. We are now able to do general health checks via finger prick tests looking at a raft of bio markers such as Cholesterol, Iron and other vitamins and minerals as well as our food intolerance tests and allergy testing, we have you covered!

Creating an Event with LiveWell Health:

To make Employee Appreciation Day a truly memorable event, companies can collaborate with LiveWell Health to organise a holistic wellbeing experience. This may include a combination of onsite massage sessions, group yoga classes, and mindfulness workshops amongst many other services. LiveWell Health’s team of experts can customise a program to suit the specific needs and preferences of the company and its employees.

Promoting a Positive Work Culture:

By investing in employee wellbeing initiatives, companies demonstrate a commitment to their employees’ health and happiness. LiveWell Health’s services not only contribute to a positive work culture but also showcase the organisation’s dedication to creating a supportive and inclusive environment.


Employee Appreciation Day is an excellent opportunity for companies to express gratitude and invest in the wellbeing of their employees. LiveWell Health’s array of services, including onsite office massage, yoga and mindfulness, health checks and others provides a unique and effective way to celebrate this day. By incorporating these initiatives, companies can create a positive work environment that fosters employee happiness, productivity, and overall job satisfaction.

For further information about how livewell can help your business during empoyee appreciation day then please contact us via email or telephone.

LiveWell Brings Massage and Yoga to 7 Dots

LiveWell recently extended its wellness services to the 7 Dots offices in London, offering much-needed soft tissue massages and yoga and mindfulness sessions. This initiative was met with such enthusiasm that 7 Dots quickly signed a two-year contract to ensure these beneficial services would be available on a monthly basis.

The LiveWell team includes a skilled massage therapist and a certified yoga instructor, both dedicated to enhancing the well-being of 7 Dots employees. The on site office massages help alleviate physical tension, reduce stress, and promote overall health, while the yoga and mindfulness sessions provide employees with tools to manage stress, increase flexibility, and improve mental clarity.

The introduction of these wellness sessions has been incredibly well-received. Employees eagerly anticipate the monthly visits, enjoying the break from their routines and the opportunity to focus on their physical and mental health. The combination of massage therapy and mindfulness practices creates a holistic approach to wellness, addressing both body and mind.

The partnership between LiveWell and 7 Dots highlights the growing recognition of the importance of employee well-being in the corporate world. By investing in these monthly sessions, 7Dots demonstrates its commitment to creating a supportive and healthy work environment. This not only boosts employee morale but also enhances productivity and job satisfaction.

The LiveWell team looks forward to their visits each month, building strong relationships with the 7 Dots employees and witnessing the positive impact of their services. The enthusiasm and participation of the employees make these sessions a rewarding experience for everyone involved.

This collaboration sets a high standard for corporate wellness programs, showing how regular, targeted wellness initiatives can significantly benefit employees and, in turn, the company. LiveWell is excited to continue this journey with 7 Dots, fostering a culture of health, mindfulness, and well-being in the workplace

If you are interested in doing something like this for your employees please contact us today!

Xalient Office Massage & Yoga

At Xalient, the buzz in the air was palpable as our team from LiveWell Health descended upon the premises to sprinkle a little wellness magic. Armed with our trusty massage tables and yoga mats, we were all set to transform the day into a haven of relaxation and rejuvenation.

As employees bustled about their tasks, our skilled therapists wasted no time in setting up shop. From the moment our first client settled onto the massage table, it was clear that tensions were about to melt away. With a blend of soothing strokes and expert techniques, our therapists worked their magic, unknotting muscles and banishing stress with each gentle touch.

Meanwhile, our yoga and mindfulness sessions offered a tranquil retreat from the hustle and bustle of the workday. Led by our experienced instructors, participants were guided through a series of poses and breathing exercises designed to promote relaxation and inner peace. As the gentle strains of meditation music filled the air, it was hard not to feel a sense of serenity wash over the room.

Throughout the day, smiles were abundant and spirits were high as employees indulged in some much-needed self-care. Whether they opted for a blissful massage, a grounding yoga session, or a moment of quiet reflection, everyone left feeling refreshed, revitalised, and ready to tackle whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the sun began to set on another successful day, we couldn’t help but feel a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to spread a little joy and wellness. At LiveWell Health, we believe that everyone deserves a moment of respite amidst the chaos of daily life, and we’re honoured to be able to provide that moment to the hardworking individuals at Xalient.

Until next time, may your days be filled with peace, joy, and plenty of self-care.

If you are interested in speaking to our team about organising a wellbeing day for your office that includes office massage and yoga & mindfulness, then please contact us today.

Wellbeing day at AMS

AMS in Birmingham recently hosted a groundbreaking wellbeing day in collaboration with LiveWell Health, and the results were nothing short of extraordinary. From moring until afternoon, employees were treated to a comprehensive array of corporate wellness and wellbeing services, designed to rejuvenate their bodies and minds and foster a culture of health and vitality in the workplace.

The day began with an energising wake-up routine, setting the tone for what would be a day filled with relaxation, rejuvenation, and self-care. As employees arrived at the office, they were greeted with the enticing aroma of essential oils and the promise of a day dedicated to their wellbeing.

LiveWell Health pulled out all the stops, offering the AMS team their entire portfolio of services. From on-site chair and couch massages to soothing on site reflexology sessions, employees had the opportunity to unwind and de-stress under the skilled hands of experienced therapists. Yoga and mindfulness sessions provided a welcome respite from the demands of the workday, allowing participants to reconnect with their bodies and find inner peace amidst the hustle and bustle of the office.

Nutrition seminars and workshops offered valuable insights into healthy eating habits, empowering employees to make informed choices about their diet and lifestyle. The mobile physio clinic provided personalised assessments and treatments, addressing any aches, pains, or musculoskeletal issues that employees may have been experiencing.

One of the highlights of the day was the comprehensive health checks and assessments offered by LiveWell Health. From blood tests to food intolerances and allergies, employees received valuable insights into their overall health and wellbeing. With 100% employee satisfaction feedback, it’s clear that the AMS team had a great time and benefited immensely from the wellbeing day.

As a testament to its success, AMS has already committed to hosting LiveWell Health on a more regular basis, ensuring that employee wellbeing remains a top priority in their employee benefits offering. By investing in initiatives like these, AMS is not only nurturing the health and happiness of its employees but also fostering a culture of productivity, engagement, and success in the workplace.

If you feel like having either one or more of our services mentioned in this article within your employee wellbeing offering then please contact us today for some further information or a quote.

How serious can stress be?

Unveiling the Hidden Benefits of Massage Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide to Physical and Mental Wellbeing

Stress has been a secret killer for many years. In today’s world we are told to just “deal with it” or “Stop whining” but stress can be a serious factor in not just mental concerns but musculoskeletal issues. Massage therapy has long been recognized for its efficacy in addressing physical discomfort. However, the impact of massages extends far beyond the realm of soft tissue recovery. In this article, we’ll explore the often-overlooked mental health benefits of various massage types, shedding light on the crucial role they play in stress relief, overall wellbeing, and disease prevention.

Stress has become an omnipresent force in modern life, affecting individuals both mentally and physically. While it is a normal response to challenges, chronic stress poses a significant risk to overall health. Understanding the intricate connection between stress and its impact on the body is essential in appreciating the value of massage therapy.

How serious can stress be

Stress’s Toll on Health:

  • Persistent stress has been linked to an increased risk of chronic diseases. Research indicates that ongoing stress can elevate the chances of cardiovascular diseases and digestive problems by 60%. Moreover, it accelerates the ageing process and compromises immune system functionality. The need to combat stress before it takes a toll on day-to-day life is paramount.

Massage as a Stress Buster:

  • Massage therapy emerges as a powerful tool in the battle against stress. Beyond its physical benefits, massages induce a state of relaxation that helps alleviate anxiety, reduce built-up tension, and contribute to an overall sense of calm. By addressing stress proactively, individuals can mitigate the risk of associated health issues.

Understanding the Benefits of Massage Therapy:

Massage therapy, when integrated into practices like remedial and Swedish massage, offers a holistic approach to physical and mental wellbeing.

Relief from Aches and Pains:

  • The primary role of massage therapy is to alleviate the physical discomfort associated with everyday life. Whether it’s tight or sore muscles, massages help improve flexibility, range of motion, and blood circulation. This relief from physical tension directly contributes to stress reduction.

Stress Reduction through Breathing and Pain Relief:

  • Specialised massage techniques, such as those employed in remedial massages, facilitate slower breathing and targeted pain relief. This combination plays a pivotal role in calming the mind and relaxing the entire body. The result is a rejuvenated and refreshed state, enabling individuals to tackle daily activities with a clearer mindset.

LiveWell Health: Bridging the Gap to Wellbeing

  • LiveWell Health recognizes the interconnectedness of physical and mental health and offers a diverse range of massage techniques to address various health aspects.

Sports Massages for Enhanced Agility and Recovery:

  • Tailored for athletes and fitness enthusiasts, sports massage at LiveWell Health contribute to improved agility and faster recovery from sports-related injuries. These massages focus on specific muscle groups, aiding in performance enhancement and injury prevention.

Swedish and Remedial Massages for General Wellbeing:

  • LiveWell Health’s Swedish and remedial massages go beyond physical relief. They improve circulation, enhance mental health and wellbeing, and provide an overall sense of rejuvenation. The experienced professionals at LiveWell Health ensure that clients receive top-quality treatment tailored to their unique needs.

Reflexology for a focused and specific requirement:

  • LiveWell Health’s reflexology team carry a mastership in the subject and as such work with people ranging from children to the elderly on issues around stress, womens help, fertility and also palliative care. Reflexology can be used as a more gentle focused approach to massage and gives potential customers the option of something less vigorous.


As we navigate the challenges of modern life, prioritising both physical and mental wellbeing is crucial. Massage therapy emerges as a holistic approach to achieving this balance. By unravelling the hidden benefits of massages, particularly their impact on stress relief, LiveWell Health aims to empower individuals to proactively manage their health. Whether addressing aches and pains, enhancing athletic performance, or promoting overall mental wellbeing, the diverse range of massages offered by LiveWell Health stands as a testament to their commitment to comprehensive wellness.

For more information on how massage therapy and reflexology can benefit you, contact us on 07939 212 739 or via email at info@livewellhealth.co.uk.