Enhancing Employee Wellbeing at Inigo Insurance

Enhancing Employee Wellbeing at Inigo Insurance

At Inigo Insurance, the emphasis on employee wellbeing is more than a policy—it’s a practice. Each month, we collaborate with the company to offer a series of rejuvenating treatments designed to promote health, relaxation, and overall wellness among the staff. Our regular wellbeing sessions include one day of on-site office massage, performed by the talented Hannah, one day of on-site reflexology, expertly administered by Siobhan, and one day of medical acupuncture, conducted by our lead therapist and managing director, Steve.

These sessions are a testament to Inigo Insurance’s commitment to fostering a positive and supportive work environment. Employees eagerly anticipate the monthly visits, knowing they will receive top-notch care from our skilled therapists. The feedback we receive is consistently 100% positive, with staff members expressing their gratitude for the physical and mental benefits they experience.

Workplace Office Massage, Reflexology and Medical Acupuncture at Inigo

Hannah’s office massages are tailored to relieve tension and stress accumulated from long hours at the desk, enhancing productivity and comfort. Siobhan’s reflexology sessions provide a holistic approach, promoting relaxation and improved circulation. Steve’s medical acupuncture, meanwhile, offers targeted treatment for pain relief and stress reduction, leveraging his extensive experience and expertise.

The impact of these wellbeing initiatives extends beyond immediate physical benefits. Employees frequently share their appreciation not just for the treatments but also for the company’s dedication to their wellbeing. Many have cited this focus on health and happiness as a key reason for joining Inigo Insurance, highlighting the company’s competitive edge in recruitment and retention. By prioritising staff wellbeing, Inigo Insurance has created a workplace where employees feel valued and motivated, fostering a culture of loyalty and high morale.

Inigo Insurance’s commitment to wellbeing is a shining example of how investing in employee health can yield significant returns, both for the individual and the organisation. These monthly sessions are more than just a perk—they are a cornerstone of the company’s thriving, positive workplace culture.

Enhancing Employee Wellbeing at Inigo Insurance

If you feel like finding out more information about staff wellbeing initiatives whether it is massage, reflexology or one of our many other corporate employee wellbeing services then please contact us or make a booking enquiry online.

What is employee wellbeing

Nurturing Workplace Happiness: A Comprehensive Guide to Employee Wellbeing

Employee wellbeing is a multifaceted concept that encompasses the physical, mental, and social health of individuals within the workplace. Recognizing the importance of fostering a healthy work environment, companies are increasingly investing in employee wellbeing programs. In this article, we will explore the various dimensions of employee wellbeing and shed light on services, such as office massage, yoga & mindfulness, health checks, exercise at work, nutrition seminars, and in-house mobile physio clinics, that can be brought to the office to enhance the overall wellness of employees. Over 61 million working days are lost on average each and every year through muscular aches and pains and stress related issues. This is where livewell health can help bring a solution that can drastically reduce sickness and absenteeism.

Understanding Employee Wellbeing:

Employee wellbeing goes beyond the absence of illness; it encompasses the overall health, happiness, and engagement of individuals in their work environment. It is influenced by various factors, including physical health, mental and emotional wellness, work-life balance, and the organisational culture.

Bringing Wellness to the Office:

To promote employee wellbeing, companies are increasingly adopting on-site services that cater to the diverse needs of their workforce.

Massage Services:

  • On-site massage services, such as those offered by professional practitioners, can significantly contribute to employee wellbeing. Chair massages, within the office, in particular, provide a convenient and accessible way for employees to relax, reduce stress, and alleviate muscle tension during work hours.

Yoga and Mindfulness:

  • Incorporating yoga and mindfulness sessions into the workplace can enhance mental and emotional wellbeing. These practices help employees manage stress, improve focus, and foster a positive mindset, contributing to a more resilient and engaged workforce.

Health Checks:

  • Regular health checks conducted on-site enable employees to monitor their health status conveniently. These checks can cover a range of parameters, from blood pressure and cholesterol levels to overall fitness assessments, providing employees with valuable insights into their health and motivating them to make positive lifestyle choices.

Exercise at Work:

  • Promoting physical activity within the office setting is crucial for maintaining employee health. Simple initiatives, such as standing desks, walking meetings, or on-site fitness classes, encourage employees to incorporate movement into their daily routines.

Nutrition Seminars and Workshops:

  • Educating employees about healthy eating habits through on-site nutrition seminars and workshops helps them make informed choices that contribute to overall wellbeing. These sessions can address specific dietary needs and promote a culture of nutritional awareness within the organisation.

In-House Mobile Physio Clinics:

  • On-site physiotherapy clinics provide employees with easy access to musculoskeletal care. Offering services like ergonomic assessments and personalised exercise plans, these clinics contribute to the prevention and management of physical discomfort and injuries.

Subsidised Musculoskeletal Services:

To further support employee wellbeing, companies can extend their commitment by offering subsidised musculoskeletal services beyond the office. Providing access to physiotherapy, fitness, and massage services at home or in external clinics demonstrates a dedication to employee health beyond the workplace.


Employee wellbeing is a holistic and ongoing commitment that extends beyond traditional benefits. By bringing services like massage, yoga, mindfulness, health checks, exercise at work, nutrition seminars, and in-house mobile physio clinics to the office, companies can create a culture that prioritises the health and happiness of their employees. The ability to extend subsidised musculoskeletal services beyond the workplace underlines a comprehensive approach to employee wellbeing, fostering a positive and supportive work environment.

If you would like to discuss your needs in more detail then please contact us via email or telephone.

When is employee appreciation day?

Celebrating Employee Appreciation Day with LiveWell Health: Enhancing Workplace Wellbeing

Employee Appreciation Day is a special occasion dedicated to recognizing and honouring the hard work and contributions of employees in organisations worldwide. This day provides employers with the opportunity to express their gratitude, appreciation for their employees with a view on improving the working environment. Companies celebrate this day in many ways, office parties, paid meals, health & wellbeing talks and much more. One of the most effective ways to celebrate this day however which will directly lead to reduced sickness, absenteeism and musculoskeletal issues is by incorporating employee wellbeing initiatives, such as those offered by LiveWell Health. In this article, we’ll explore the significance of Employee Appreciation Day and how companies can utilise our services to create a memorable and rejuvenating experience for their employees.

When is Employee Appreciation Day?

Employee Appreciation Day is typically celebrated on the first Friday in March each year. This day serves as a reminder for employers to acknowledge the dedication and hard work of their staff and to create a positive workplace culture.

LiveWell Health: Elevating Employee Wellbeing:

LiveWell Health is a leading provider of employee wellbeing services that focus on enhancing physical and mental health in the workplace. Our comprehensive offerings include office massage (chair or couch massage), yoga & mindfulness sessions, onsite physio clinics, health checks, nutrition seminars and workshops as well as exercise at work initiatives which are designed to promote a healthier work environment.

Office Massage:

One of the standout services offered by LiveWell Health is our onsite massage, which can be performed in an office, commercial building, warehouse and any other working environment. It can sometimes be misleading to refer to this service as Office Massage however it is just because this is usually what people look for, but onsite massage is the same thing. This service involves bringing professional massage therapists directly to the workplace to provide employees with relaxing and rejuvenating massages. This not only helps alleviate stress and tension but also boosts morale and therefore mental health and fosters a sense of appreciation. Furthermore, as all our therapists have a base level university degree qualification in either sports therapy or physiotherapy (3 years), we can work with your employees on any injuries, long term aches or pains and provide high level advice and care as well as rehabilitation plans at the same time.

Yoga and Mindfulness Sessions:

Our yoga and mindfulness sessions are tailored to address the unique challenges of the modern workplace. By incorporating these practices into Employee Appreciation Day, companies can encourage employees to take a break from their hectic schedules and focus on mental and physical wellbeing. These sessions contribute to increased productivity, reduced stress levels, and improved overall job satisfaction. Also, lets be honest, it’s nice to just sit and be quiet especially in a noisy workplace right?

Health Checks

Our new and industry leading health check service is fast becoming the popular go to for our clients. We regularly take our bodies and minds for granted and although we will service and mot our vehicles once a year, we never think to do the same with our bodies. That’s where our health checks play a vital role. We are now able to do general health checks via finger prick tests looking at a raft of bio markers such as Cholesterol, Iron and other vitamins and minerals as well as our food intolerance tests and allergy testing, we have you covered!

Creating an Event with LiveWell Health:

To make Employee Appreciation Day a truly memorable event, companies can collaborate with LiveWell Health to organise a holistic wellbeing experience. This may include a combination of onsite massage sessions, group yoga classes, and mindfulness workshops amongst many other services. LiveWell Health’s team of experts can customise a program to suit the specific needs and preferences of the company and its employees.

Promoting a Positive Work Culture:

By investing in employee wellbeing initiatives, companies demonstrate a commitment to their employees’ health and happiness. LiveWell Health’s services not only contribute to a positive work culture but also showcase the organisation’s dedication to creating a supportive and inclusive environment.


Employee Appreciation Day is an excellent opportunity for companies to express gratitude and invest in the wellbeing of their employees. LiveWell Health’s array of services, including onsite office massage, yoga and mindfulness, health checks and others provides a unique and effective way to celebrate this day. By incorporating these initiatives, companies can create a positive work environment that fosters employee happiness, productivity, and overall job satisfaction.

For further information about how livewell can help your business during empoyee appreciation day then please contact us via email or telephone.

Unlocking Employee Wellbeing: A Blueprint for Success

In today’s fast-paced corporate world, where deadlines are relentless and stress is ubiquitous, it’s more critical than ever to prioritize the wellbeing of your most valuable asset – your employees. Happy, healthy employees are not just productive; they’re also more engaged and more likely to stay with your organization in the long run. One company leading the charge in this domain is LiveWell Health, where a team of dedicated experts is transforming corporate wellness through a holistic approach that encompasses on-site massage, reflexology, yoga, mindfulness, mobile injury and rehab clinics, fitness programs, nutrition seminars, and health checks.

On-Site Massage and Reflexology: Stress Relief at Your Fingertips

LiveWell Health recognizes that tension and stress can take a toll on your workforce. That’s why they offer on-site massage and reflexology services. These techniques not only alleviate physical discomfort but also enhance mental clarity and emotional balance. Offering these services in the workplace not only demonstrates a commitment to employee wellbeing but also encourages team members to take breaks and destress during the workday.

Yoga and Mindfulness: A Mind-Body Connection

Yoga and mindfulness practices are essential for creating a mind-body connection that fosters overall wellness. The team at LiveWell Health conducts yoga and mindfulness sessions tailored to the corporate environment. These practices enhance flexibility, reduce stress, and improve mental focus, leading to healthier, happier employees.

Mobile Injury and Rehab Clinics: Preventing and Treating Injuries

To promote physical wellness and prevent workplace injuries, LiveWell Health offers mobile injury and rehab clinics. These clinics provide expert guidance on injury prevention and rehabilitation, helping employees stay physically fit and active.

Fitness at Work: Energizing Your Workforce

LiveWell Health recognizes the importance of regular physical activity. Their fitness programs make it easy for employees to incorporate exercise into their daily routines, boosting energy levels and enhancing productivity.

Nutrition Seminars and Workshops: Fueling Success

A balanced diet is the foundation of overall health. LiveWell Health conducts nutrition seminars and workshops to educate employees about the importance of a healthy diet and how it can improve their performance at work.

Health Checks: A Proactive Approach to Wellbeing

LiveWell Health’s latest offering is health checks that include blood testing for nutrient deficiencies, allergies, and food intolerances. Identifying and addressing these issues can lead to a healthier and more energetic workforce, ultimately reducing absenteeism and enhancing employee satisfaction.

LiveWell Health doesn’t just offer these services in isolation; they tailor their programs to meet the specific needs and objectives of each client. Their team works closely with organizations to design a comprehensive and customized wellbeing strategy, ensuring that every employee is on a journey towards better health and overall satisfaction.

By investing in the wellbeing of your employees through the diverse range of services offered by LiveWell Health, you’re not only creating a healthier workplace but also a more motivated and loyal workforce. The result? Increased productivity, reduced turnover, and a thriving corporate culture. It’s not just about wellness; it’s about unlocking the full potential of your team. LiveWell Health is your partner in this journey, leading the way in redefining corporate wellbeing for the better.

Power of Massage on Mental Health


In today’s fast-paced and demanding world, stress and mental health issues have emerged as significant challenges affecting individuals in various aspects of their lives, including the workplace. Recognizing the crucial role of employee well-being, companies are increasingly prioritizing mental health support to foster a positive and productive work environment. In this comprehensive article, we explore the profound benefits of massage on mental health and delve into how incorporating corporate massage therapy into workplace wellness programs can effectively reduce staff sickness associated with stress and other mental health issues. Additionally, we will present compelling statistics from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to shed light on the prevalence of mental health challenges in the workforce.

The Prevalence of Mental Health Issues in the Workplace:
The ONS reports a concerning rise in mental health issues, with stress, anxiety, and depression ranking among the most prevalent conditions experienced by individuals. Recent statistics indicate that approximately 20% of adults in the UK encountered some form of depression during the pandemic. These figures underscore the urgent need for proactive measures to support mental well-being, particularly within work settings.

The Profound Benefits of Massage on Mental Health:
Massage therapy has long been recognized for its holistic effects on both physical and mental well-being. Specifically, in the realm of mental health, massage offers a myriad of benefits, including:

a. Stress Reduction: Massage effectively reduces cortisol levels, the stress hormone, while increasing the release of serotonin and dopamine, the feel-good hormones. This leads to an overall sense of relaxation, calmness, and improved mood.

b. Anxiety and Depression Alleviation: Regular massage sessions have demonstrated the ability to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression by promoting the release of endorphins, which help reduce feelings of sadness and anxiety.

c. Improved Sleep Quality: Massage relaxes the body and mind, facilitating better sleep patterns. Quality sleep plays a vital role in mental health as it allows for rejuvenation and restoration of energy levels.

d. Increased Emotional Well-being: Massage therapy fosters a deeper mind-body connection, enhancing self-awareness, emotional balance, and an overall sense of well-being. This, in turn, equips individuals with effective stress-coping mechanisms and promotes a positive mindset.

The Role of Workplace Wellness Programs:
Companies that prioritize employee mental health through comprehensive wellness programs stand to gain numerous benefits. By incorporating massage therapy into these programs, employers can effectively support their staff in managing stress and mental health concerns, ultimately leading to a healthier and more engaged workforce. Some key advantages of integrating massage therapy into workplace wellness initiatives are:

a. Stress Reduction: Massage therapy provides employees with an opportunity to relax, unwind, and release tension, thus reducing stress levels and increasing overall job satisfaction.

b. Increased Productivity: When employees’ mental well-being is prioritized, they are more likely to feel motivated, focused, and engaged in their work. Reduced stress levels and improved mental clarity foster enhanced productivity and creativity.

c. Enhanced Morale and Job Satisfaction: By offering massage therapy as part of a wellness program, employers demonstrate their commitment to employee well-being. This gesture improves overall morale, job satisfaction, and fosters a sense of loyalty to the company.

d. Decreased Absenteeism: Proactively addressing stress and mental health concerns can contribute to a decrease in staff sickness and absenteeism related to these issues. This, in turn, leads to cost savings and increased productivity for the company.


The increasing prevalence of stress and mental health issues in the workplace demands a proactive approach to support employee well-being. Massage therapy has emerged as a powerful tool in promoting mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, while improving sleep quality and emotional well-being. Integrating massage into workplace wellness programs has demonstrated its efficacy in reducing staff sickness and absenteeism associated with mental health concerns. By investing in employee well-being and fostering a supportive work environment, companies can reap the benefits of a happier, healthier, and more productive workforce.

If you are interested in having livewell attend your place of work to discuss the ways we can help with stress and mental health in the workplace, then please contact us or visit our corporate massage page. We operate across the UK in cities such as London, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Nottingham, Derby, Leicester, Coventry, Wolverhampton, Leeds, Sheffield, Cardiff, Bristol, Gloucester, Hereford, Worcester and many more.

On-Site Chair Massage for Hapag-Lloyd in Liverpool

On-Site Chair Massage for Hapag-Lloyd in Liverpool

In a remarkable collaboration with Hapag-Lloyd, our team recently had the pleasure of providing on-site chair massages at their Liverpool office. This initiative was a part of Hapag-Lloyd’s ongoing commitment to employee wellbeing, reflecting their dedication to fostering a healthy and productive workplace.

The event took place over the course of a day, with our skilled massage therapists setting up a tranquil space within the office environment. Employees were invited to take a break from their busy schedules and indulge in a relaxing chair massage. The setup was designed to be convenient and comfortable, ensuring that staff could easily participate without disrupting their workday.

Chair massages are known for their numerous benefits, including stress reduction, relief from muscle tension, and improved circulation. Our therapists focused on key areas such as the neck, shoulders, back, and arms, which are often strained during long hours at the desk. Each session lasted about 15 minutes, providing a quick yet effective means for employees to rejuvenate and recharge.

The response from Hapag-Lloyd employees was overwhelmingly positive. Many expressed gratitude for the opportunity to relax and unwind, noting the immediate relief from tension and the overall boost to their mood and productivity. One employee remarked, “It was such a treat to have a massage at work. I feel much more relaxed and ready to tackle my tasks.”

This event underscored the importance of integrating wellness activities into the corporate environment. By prioritising employee health and happiness, Hapag-Lloyd is setting a commendable example for other companies. Our team was delighted to contribute to this effort and looks forward to future collaborations aimed at enhancing employee wellbeing.

In summary, the on-site chair massage event at Hapag-Lloyd’s Liverpool office was a resounding success, highlighting the positive impact of wellness initiatives in the workplace. We are proud to have played a part in this endeavour and are excited about the potential for future partnerships.

If you are interested in Office Massage or any other employee wellbeing initiatives, then please contact our corporate team or visit our contact page.

On-site Chair Massge for Hapag-Lloyd in Liverpool

Benefits of a Corporate Well-Being Day

Benefit’s of a Corporate Well-Being Day

In today’s fast-paced business world, corporate well-being is becoming increasingly important. It is well known that happy and healthy employees are more productive and engaged. A corporate well-being day with on-site massage and yoga can provide numerous benefits to both the employees and the company as a whole.

Firstly, a corporate well-being day can help to reduce stress levels among employees. Stress can have a significant impact on a person’s physical and mental health, as well as their productivity. By providing employees with the opportunity to participate in activities such as on-site massage and yoga, they can learn valuable relaxation techniques and feel more refreshed and energized.

Secondly, a well-being day can improve employee morale and job satisfaction. When employees feel that their employer cares about their well-being, they are more likely to feel valued and engaged in their work. This can lead to increased motivation and productivity, as well as lower rates of absenteeism and turnover.

Thirdly, on-site massage and yoga can help to promote physical health among employees. Sitting at a desk for long periods of time can lead to poor posture and a range of physical healthproblems. By offering employees the opportunity to participate in activities such as yoga and massage, they can improve their flexibility, posture, and overall physical well-being.


Fourthly, a well-being day can help to foster a sense of community within the workplace. By bringing employees together to participate in activities such as group yoga sessions, they can bond and build relationships with their colleagues. This can lead to improved communication and teamwork, as well as a more positive and supportive workplace culture.

Finally, a corporate well-being day can help to demonstrate to clients and customers that the company values its employees and is committed to their well-being. This can help to build a positive reputation for the company and attract new business.

In conclusion, a corporate well-being day with on-site massage and yoga can provide numerous benefits to both employees and the company as a whole. By reducing stress levels, improving morale and job satisfaction, promoting physical health, fostering a sense of community, and demonstrating a commitment to employee well-being, companies can create a more productive, engaged, and positive workplace culture.

Get in touch

Our team are the highest qualified soft tissue specialists with over 3 years university degree level behind them. With this in mind we don’t just give your staff a rub, we can effect some serious change in their physical and mental well-being with the right techniques and approach for each person. On top of this our team can offer a range of servics from Massage, Yoga, Mindfullness, Reflexology, Nutrition, Exercise in the workplace and much more. Visit our contact page to get in touch.

LiveWell Brings Massage and Yoga to 7 Dots

LiveWell recently extended its wellness services to the 7 Dots offices in London, offering much-needed soft tissue massages and yoga and mindfulness sessions. This initiative was met with such enthusiasm that 7 Dots quickly signed a two-year contract to ensure these beneficial services would be available on a monthly basis.

The LiveWell team includes a skilled massage therapist and a certified yoga instructor, both dedicated to enhancing the well-being of 7 Dots employees. The on site office massages help alleviate physical tension, reduce stress, and promote overall health, while the yoga and mindfulness sessions provide employees with tools to manage stress, increase flexibility, and improve mental clarity.

The introduction of these wellness sessions has been incredibly well-received. Employees eagerly anticipate the monthly visits, enjoying the break from their routines and the opportunity to focus on their physical and mental health. The combination of massage therapy and mindfulness practices creates a holistic approach to wellness, addressing both body and mind.

The partnership between LiveWell and 7 Dots highlights the growing recognition of the importance of employee well-being in the corporate world. By investing in these monthly sessions, 7Dots demonstrates its commitment to creating a supportive and healthy work environment. This not only boosts employee morale but also enhances productivity and job satisfaction.

The LiveWell team looks forward to their visits each month, building strong relationships with the 7 Dots employees and witnessing the positive impact of their services. The enthusiasm and participation of the employees make these sessions a rewarding experience for everyone involved.

This collaboration sets a high standard for corporate wellness programs, showing how regular, targeted wellness initiatives can significantly benefit employees and, in turn, the company. LiveWell is excited to continue this journey with 7 Dots, fostering a culture of health, mindfulness, and well-being in the workplace

If you are interested in doing something like this for your employees please contact us today!

Wellbeing day at AMS

AMS in Birmingham recently hosted a groundbreaking wellbeing day in collaboration with LiveWell Health, and the results were nothing short of extraordinary. From moring until afternoon, employees were treated to a comprehensive array of corporate wellness and wellbeing services, designed to rejuvenate their bodies and minds and foster a culture of health and vitality in the workplace.

The day began with an energising wake-up routine, setting the tone for what would be a day filled with relaxation, rejuvenation, and self-care. As employees arrived at the office, they were greeted with the enticing aroma of essential oils and the promise of a day dedicated to their wellbeing.

LiveWell Health pulled out all the stops, offering the AMS team their entire portfolio of services. From on-site chair and couch massages to soothing on site reflexology sessions, employees had the opportunity to unwind and de-stress under the skilled hands of experienced therapists. Yoga and mindfulness sessions provided a welcome respite from the demands of the workday, allowing participants to reconnect with their bodies and find inner peace amidst the hustle and bustle of the office.

Nutrition seminars and workshops offered valuable insights into healthy eating habits, empowering employees to make informed choices about their diet and lifestyle. The mobile physio clinic provided personalised assessments and treatments, addressing any aches, pains, or musculoskeletal issues that employees may have been experiencing.

One of the highlights of the day was the comprehensive health checks and assessments offered by LiveWell Health. From blood tests to food intolerances and allergies, employees received valuable insights into their overall health and wellbeing. With 100% employee satisfaction feedback, it’s clear that the AMS team had a great time and benefited immensely from the wellbeing day.

As a testament to its success, AMS has already committed to hosting LiveWell Health on a more regular basis, ensuring that employee wellbeing remains a top priority in their employee benefits offering. By investing in initiatives like these, AMS is not only nurturing the health and happiness of its employees but also fostering a culture of productivity, engagement, and success in the workplace.

If you feel like having either one or more of our services mentioned in this article within your employee wellbeing offering then please contact us today for some further information or a quote.

Suffering From Pain? Do You Sit At A Desk All Day?

In today’s fast-paced world, the demands of the modern workplace often require us to spend countless hours seated at our desks, glued to our computers, and immersed in our tasks. While this may seem like a necessary sacrifice in pursuit of productivity and success, the toll it takes on our bodies cannot be ignored. Indeed, the sedentary nature of desk jobs can lead to a host of musculoskeletal issues, including neck and back pain, that not only affect individual well-being but also have far-reaching consequences for businesses and economies.

According to recent statistics, the impact of muscular pain stemming from desk-bound work is staggering. On average, over 31 million workdays are lost in the UK each year due to neck and back-related pain among employees. This alarming figure not only reflects the prevalence of musculoskeletal issues in the workforce but also underscores the significant economic burden placed on businesses as a result of lost productivity and absenteeism.

The root of the problem lies in the sedentary nature of desk jobs. For many individuals, the majority of their workday is spent in a seated position, often with poor posture and minimal movement. This prolonged static posture can lead to muscle imbalances, stiffness, and tension, particularly in the neck, shoulders, and lower back. Over time, these issues can escalate into chronic pain and discomfort, impacting both physical health and overall quality of life.

Moreover, the effects of desk-related muscular pain extend beyond the individual to affect the broader workforce and economy. When multiplied across an entire workforce, the cumulative impact of lost productivity due to absenteeism and reduced performance can be staggering, resulting in significant financial losses for businesses and economies alike.

However, all is not lost. There are proactive measures that employers can implement to mitigate the risk of desk-related muscular pain and improve overall employee well-being. One such approach is the implementation of benefits schemes that provide employees with access to subsidised massage and fitness programs. Massage therapy, in particular, has been shown to be highly effective in relieving muscular tension and promoting relaxation, thereby reducing the risk of musculoskeletal issues.

Additionally, employers can take steps to optimise workstations, chairs, and ergonomics to promote better posture and reduce the strain on muscles and joints. Simple adjustments, such as providing adjustable desks and chairs, encouraging regular breaks and stretching exercises, and promoting proper ergonomic practices, can go a long way in preventing and alleviating desk-related muscular pain.

This proactive approach to employee well-being has been shown to yield significant benefits, both for individuals and businesses. In the UK, for example, companies that have implemented comprehensive wellness programs have seen a nearly 60% reduction in sick days related to musculoskeletal issues. By investing in the health and well-being of their workforce, employers not only improve employee morale and retention but also reap the rewards of increased productivity and reduced healthcare costs.

So what can we do?

From the individual’s perspective

  • Concentrate on your posture; this is probably the most important thing to do. Sit up straight!
  • Keep moving – little and often, even if it is just some shoulder rolls on the way to the coffee machine.
  • Stress plays havoc with our bodies, especially our upper bodies, so do some light exercise 3 times a week and you will see your stress levels reduce!
  • Food, diet – yes we talk about it all the time. New diets get released daily and everyone is an expert. All we say is eat a healthy balanced diet with a few cheat meals and maybe even a few glasses of wine/beer a week to keep you fighting fit and happy!

From a company’s perspective

  • Install the correct desks and chairs. Yes, it’s an expense but a few hundred pounds is better as a one-off investment than thousands of days being lost every year for eternity surely?
  • Treat your staff. A happy workforce is a healthy one! Lower their stress levels and help them towards the cost of their health with subsidised massage at home or in the workplace. Why not some personal training sessions or maybe even a workplace nutrition advisor?
  • Put on some lunches, take your staff out for team building days; all of these things help with stress which is also one of the leading reasons for sick days in the UK!

In conclusion, sitting at a desk all day may seem like a necessary part of modern work life, but the toll it takes on our bodies is undeniable. From neck and back pain to lost productivity and absenteeism, the consequences of desk-related muscular issues are significant and far-reaching. However, by taking a proactive approach to employee well-being and implementing measures to promote movement, relaxation, and proper ergonomics, businesses can mitigate the risk of muscular pain and create a healthier, more productive workforce for the future.

Here at Livewell health we pride ourselves on putting together an all encompasing corporate wellbeing package for you and your team. This can be in the way of office massage, reflexology, yoga and mindfulness, health checks and much more. If this is of interest please contact us through our contact page. We operate across the UK in all major towns and cities including London, Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool and many more.