Sports Massage Experts Leading the Way in Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham and Beyond

Sports Massage Experts Leading the Way in Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham and Beyond

LiveWell Health, a renowned provider of top-tier massage therapy across the UK, traces its roots back to Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham, where owner and managing director Steven Hartill first established the practice. A distinguished elite-level sports therapist himself, Steven offers a comprehensive range of advanced massage therapies, including Swedish, Deep Tissue, Pregnancy, Lymphatic Drainage, and – crucially – Sports Massage. With his level 5 qualification, obtained by attending Oxford University within their Sports Massage course, Steve has learnt advanced sports massage techniques that have served his customers well. From this knowledge he has taken time to train his team, not just in the local area of Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham of which there is now a team of 20 sports therapists, but to his wider team across the UK meaning all 89+ sports therapists we employ at LiveWell have the most advanced and specialised knowledge on the market.

Whether you are a first timer venturing into fitness, or a seasoned elite athlete like some of Steves clients such as Chris Woakes or Chris Skelley or Celebrities like Billie Eilish and others, sports massage can be just the treatment you need.

The Sutton Coldfield-based team comprises highly qualified soft tissue specialists, adept at delivering massage therapy not only to the general public but also to elite athletes and celebrities. From these humble beginnings, Steven has successfully expanded LiveWell Health’s reach, now operating clinics in major cities across the UK, including Birmingham, Wolverhampton, Leicester, Derby, Nottingham, Coventry, Manchester, Liverpool, London, Colchester, Gloucester, Leeds, Sheffield, and Barnsley.

Sports Massage Experts Leading the Way in Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham and Beyond

Never heard of Sutton Coldfield in Birmingham?

Although renowned as the “Royal Town of Sutton Coldfield”, this leafy suburb is intrinsically linked to Birmingham. Located just eight miles northeast of the city centre, Sutton Coldfield is officially a part of the City of Birmingham. While it retains its own unique identity and town council, residents benefit from Birmingham’s broader infrastructure, resources, and economic opportunities. Its close proximity to Birmingham makes it a popular choice for commuters seeking a quieter, greener lifestyle while still enjoying easy access to the city’s vibrant cultural scene, employment hubs, and extensive transportation network.

Nice to know right? Well if you don’t live here, probably not… anyway, back to the subject in hand!

LiveWell Health’s expertise extends beyond simply providing Sports Massage. Several team members, including Steven, are dedicated to educating the next generation of sports therapists, ensuring the highest standards of practice continue to flourish. Whether you’re a professional athlete seeking performance enhancement, a weekend warrior nursing an injury, or simply someone looking for relaxation and well-being, LiveWell Health’s experienced therapists are ready to tailor a Sports Massage treatment specifically to your needs.

Experience the LiveWell Health difference – where expertise, passion, and a commitment to excellence converge to provide unparalleled Sports Massage therapy in Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham, and throughout the UK.

If you think you may benefit from a sports massage treatment, or indeed any other treatment that our team offer within the Birmingham area, then please contact us, visit our Birmingham Page or make a booking!

Great Bike Adventure with CBRE

Great Bike Adventure with CBRE

Livewell recently attended the Great Property Bike ride hosted by CBRE for their clients and others looking to raise money for the superb charity, alzeimers society. This all took place at the Sandown Park Racecourse, Sandown Park is a horse racing course and leisure venue in Esher, Surrey, England, located in the outer suburbs of London. It hosts 5 Grade One National Hunt races and one Group 1 flat race, the Eclipse Stakes

The event was exhilarating, well planned and a great fun down out oganised by the incredible team at CBRE, combining the invigorating challenge of a bike ride of up to 70 miles, with a comprehensive event village feauring an area to enjoy the sun, listen to great music whilst eating a range of high quality food supported by our team providing the award winning LIVE|Recover, Recovery Hub which is a mobile recovery unit offering pre and post race/event recovery services. Participants gathered in the picturesque coastal city, ready to embark on a journey that was as much about fitness as it was about recovery and relaxation.

The day began with a scenic bike ride through the stunning towns and villages in Surrey, west London. Cyclists, both seasoned and novice, enjoyed the route that meandered through historic sites, and beautiful countryside. The ride offered a perfect blend of physical challenge and the opportunity to take in the beautiful surroundings.

Post-ride, participants were treated to a variety of recovery activities designed to rejuvenate and revitalise. One of the highlights was the ice plunge pods, especially in the scorching heat of 30+ degrees we saw on the day. All 4 ice plunge baths were in full use. Brave souls took the plunge, experiencing the invigorating effects of cold water immersion, known to reduce muscle inflammation and accelerate recovery. Complementing this were the zero-gravity chair experience, anti-gravity chairs with state of the art compression boots were also available, offering a unique way to relieve pressure from the spine and joints and aid in the natural removal of lymph through the lymphatic system, almost like a physical hands on lyphatic massage, but with the ability to drink a beer or glass of wine at the same time! This was a favourite among many, providing a sense of weightlessness and deep relaxation.

Our elite level advanced sports massage therapists were also on hand to provide pre event taping and strapping and also post race injury assessment and more importantly hands on sports massage. We had 4 professional therapists offering personalised treatments which helped ease muscle tension, release tight muscles, increase blood flow for healing and improve lymphatic drainage. If this wasn’t enough, the participants had the ability to relax in our stretch and recover zone where the use of hot and cold theraguns provided targeted relief to sore areas, while foam rollers, trigger point balls and therabands were on hand for participants to engage in guided stretch recovery sessions.

The event was not just about physical recovery but also about fostering a sense of community and well-being. Participants left feeling rejuvenated, having enjoyed a perfect blend of physical exertion and comprehensive recovery. CBRE’s event in the outskirts of London was a testament to the importance of combining fitness with raising money for some charities in need, it really was an unforgettable experience.

If you are interested in hiring our team for your event whether it is a sporting one or not, we can help with a range of event services from massage, yoga, reflexology, acupuncture, cupping and much more. Please contact us today!

The Power of Sports Massage: Performance and Recovery

The Power of Sports Massage: Enhancing Athletic Performance and Recovery

Whether you’re a professional athlete, a weekend warrior, or just someone who enjoys staying active, sports massage can be a game-changer in your fitness journey. This specialized form of massage therapy offers a wide range of benefits that go far beyond relaxation. In this article, we’ll explore the numerous advantages of sports massage and why it’s a crucial component of many athletes’ training and recovery routines.

1. Enhanced Athletic Performance

One of the most significant benefits of sports massage is its ability to boost athletic performance. By targeting specific muscle groups and alleviating tension, sports massage helps improve flexibility and range of motion. This increased flexibility allows athletes to move more freely and efficiently, which is especially vital in sports that require agility and quick movements. As a result, athletes can perform at their best and reduce the risk of injury.

2. Faster Recovery

The demands of intense physical activity can lead to muscle soreness and fatigue. Sports massage helps in the speedy recovery of fatigued muscles by increasing blood circulation and lymphatic flow. This enhanced circulation assists in the removal of waste products and reduces muscle soreness, allowing athletes to bounce back faster and maintain their training consistency.

3. Injury Prevention

Preventing injuries is a top priority for athletes of all levels. Sports massage is an invaluable tool in injury prevention. By identifying and addressing muscle imbalances and areas of tension, massage therapists can reduce the risk of overuse injuries. They can also spot potential issues before they become more severe, helping athletes make necessary adjustments to their training routines.

4. Stress Reduction

Training and competition can be physically and mentally taxing. Sports massage offers a dual benefit by reducing both physical and mental stress. The soothing touch of massage can have a calming effect, helping athletes manage anxiety and stay focused on their goals.

5. Improved Posture and Body Awareness

A well-trained sports massage therapist can identify and address postural issues and imbalances that may be negatively impacting an athlete’s performance. By focusing on these areas, athletes can improve their posture and overall body awareness, which can lead to better movement and reduced strain on the body.

6. Targeted Rehabilitation

In cases where injuries have already occurred, sports massage can be an integral part of the rehabilitation process. Therapists can work alongside healthcare professionals to design a customized massage plan that aids in the healing and recovery of injured muscles and tissues.

7. Enhanced Immune System Function

Regular sports massage can also strengthen the immune system. The reduction of stress and the improvement in circulation and lymphatic flow can help the body better defend against illnesses, keeping athletes in peak condition.

8. Mental Clarity and Focus

Physical well-being and mental health are intricately connected. Sports massage contributes to mental clarity and focus, helping athletes stay motivated and determined to achieve their goals.

In conclusion, sports massage is not just a luxury; it’s a powerful tool that can significantly impact an athlete’s performance, recovery, and overall well-being. Whether you’re a professional athlete or someone who enjoys an active lifestyle, incorporating sports massage into your routine can help you achieve your fitness objectives and enjoy a more balanced, injury-free life. Consult with a qualified sports massage therapist to discover how this specialized therapy can benefit your athletic journey.

The Winning Edge – Benefits of Event Massage

Introduction: In the competitive world of sports, where athletes push their limits to achieve incredible feats, the role of sports massage therapists has gained significant recognition. Their expertise is more than just relaxation; it’s a crucial component of an athlete’s performance and recovery. Having sports massage therapists on-site during a sporting event to provide your event massage is like having a secret weapon that can provide athletes with the winning edge. In this article, we will delve into the benefits of having sports massage therapists right at the heart of the action.

1. Preparation and Performance Enhancement: Before athletes step onto the field, they need to be in peak physical condition and that is where pre-event massage will help. On-site sports massage therapists are specialists in techniques that can help athletes prepare their bodies for the demands of the game. Through targeted pre-event massages, therapists can stimulate circulation, increase flexibility, and alleviate tension in muscles. This not only enhances performance but also reduces the risk of injuries during their event.

2. Injury Prevention and Rapid Recovery: Athletes are susceptible to injuries due to the repetitive strain and impact on their bodies. On-site sports massage therapists are equipped to address these concerns promptly. By focusing on areas prone to injuries, therapists can identify tightness, knots, or imbalances and use techniques like deep tissue massage, myofascial release, and stretching to alleviate these issues. The immediate attention provided by therapists can prevent minor discomforts from escalating into serious injuries, thereby ensuring athletes stay in the game.

3. Reduced Muscle Fatigue and Improved Circulation: During intense sporting events, athletes’ muscles can become fatigued due to the buildup of lactic acid and other metabolic waste. Sports massage therapists can employ techniques to facilitate the removal of these waste products, promoting better circulation. Improved blood flow delivers oxygen and nutrients to muscles, aiding in their recovery. By mitigating muscle fatigue, athletes can maintain their performance levels throughout the event.

4. Stress and Anxiety Reduction: Competing in high-stakes events can take a toll on an athlete’s mental state. On-site sports massage therapists not only attend to physical concerns but also help athletes manage stress and anxiety. Massage triggers the release of endorphins, which are natural mood enhancers. Athletes can enter competitions with a clear and focused mindset, enabling them to make quick decisions and perform optimally under pressure.

5. Personalized Care and Immediate Feedback: On-site sports massage therapists can provide athletes with individualized attention. They can tailor massage techniques to address specific needs or areas of discomfort, ensuring each athlete receives the care they require. Moreover, therapists can offer immediate feedback regarding an athlete’s muscle condition, flexibility, and overall physical state. This real-time information can guide coaches and athletes in making informed decisions during the event.

6. Enhanced Post-Event Recovery: After the final whistle blows, the importance of post-event recovery cannot be overstated. On-site sports massage therapists continue to play a pivotal role in this phase. Post-event massages help reduce muscle soreness, promote circulation, and expedite the removal of waste products accumulated during the game. Athletes can bounce back quicker, making the recovery process more efficient and effective.

Conclusion: The presence of sports massage therapists on-site at sporting events offers a multitude of benefits that contribute to an athlete’s overall performance and well-being. From preparation and injury prevention to stress reduction and post-event recovery, their expertise serves as a vital component in an athlete’s toolkit for success. As the sports world continues to embrace the importance of holistic care, the role of on-site sports massage therapists remains an essential ingredient in the recipe for victory.

If you are ever in need of a company to help provide your sports massage requirements at your next event, then please contact our team on or alternatively visit our website and browse our services in more detail by clicking here.


Park Run at Sutton Park

RunThroughUK Park Run at Sutton Park: A Day of Support and Recovery

Our team recently had the pleasure of being invited by RunThroughUK to attend the Park Run event at Sutton Park. This event brought together a vibrant community of runners, each eager to challenge themselves and embrace the camaraderie that defines these gatherings. Our team of four sports therapists was excited to be part of this dynamic event, contributing to the runners’ overall experience by offering essential pre and post-race sports massages.

The day was filled with enthusiasm and energy as runners of all ages and skill levels gathered at Sutton Park. Our therapists set up stations to provide pre and post event massages, strategically positioned to catch the runners both before they embarked on their races and after they crossed the finish line. The primary aim was to help the runners prepare their bodies for the physical demands of the race and to aid in their recovery post-race, ensuring they left the event feeling rejuvenated and cared for.

Throughout the event, our therapists interacted with numerous participants, each with unique stories and motivations for running. The pre-race massages focused on warming up the muscles, enhancing flexibility, and reducing the risk of injury. Post-race, the massages helped in alleviating muscle tension, reducing soreness, and promoting faster recovery. It was incredibly rewarding to see the immediate benefits of our work reflected in the relieved expressions and appreciative feedback from the runners.

The Park Run at Sutton Park was not just an event but a celebration of health, fitness, and community spirit. We are grateful to RunThroughUK for inviting us and providing us with the opportunity to support the runners in such a meaningful way. The event was a resounding success, filled with inspiring moments and shared achievements.

As we packed up our equipment at the end of the day, we reflected on the joy and satisfaction that comes from helping others achieve their goals. We look forward to future events and continuing our mission to support the health and well-being of the running community. Thank you, RunThroughUK, for having us, and we hope everyone enjoyed the day as much as we did!

What we do..

LIVEWELL work with more than 200 sporting event providers all over the UK from small family run local community 5k runs to the very large london, birmingham and manchester marathons. With this in mind if you have a sporting event and would like some sports therapists set up to offer a pre and post race recovery service then please contact us today.

Sports Massage Therapists To The Pro’s!

LIVEWELL is the number one choice for Sports Massage therapists to the Pro’s!

Sports Massage is as we know a key component to any elite sports person’s regime and LIVEWELL have been providing sports massage therapists and offering the very best sports massage treatments across the UK to help. Our team of highly trained professionals have been working with athletes from Team GB, Premier League Football clubs, Cricket Clubs, Rugby clubs and much more up and down the UK for many years helping to keep injuries at bay and repair muscles after a hard competition.

Athletes like our very own Jodie Stimpson, Team GB triathlete and someone who knows very well the benefits given through a good sports massage and a therapist who know’s the body inside and out. With training hitting in excess of 6 sessions a week for the vast majority of serious athletes you can see how training really takes it’s toll on the body.  Having a regular sports massage can help keep the muscles healthy, get rid of built up tension and prevent injury as well as helping to improve performance. This is so important for a professional athlete training for a up coming competition, as even a short break from the training schedule due to injury can see a real impact on results and indeed fitness.

Now you may be reading this and thinking well, I don’t class myself as an athlete like these guys but do 3 or 4 hard sessions a week in the gym or on the running track. Well the principle is the same, training hard means your muscles need the care to keep them injury free and a good sports massage with a highly trained sports therapist and soft tissue specialist can be just what you need to kick on into the next stage of your training.

With our level 4 and 5 qualified sports massage and soft tissue specialists we can help you not only with hands on treatment but an array of techniques, stretches and solid dietary advice to keep your body at 100% effectiveness.

For further information check out our Sports Massage page today.

How to Prepare for Your Marathon Race

How to Prepare for Your Marathon Race: A Comprehensive Guide to Success

Running a marathon is a significant achievement that requires months of dedicated training, mental preparation, and careful planning. Whether you’re a seasoned runner or tackling your first marathon, proper preparation is essential to crossing the finish line strong and injury-free. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll outline the key steps to help you prepare for your marathon race, from setting realistic goals to fine-tuning your training regimen and ensuring you’re ready for race day.

Setting Realistic Goals

Before diving into your marathon training, it’s crucial to establish realistic goals based on your fitness level, experience, and desired outcome. Whether your goal is to finish the race, achieve a personal best time, or qualify for a prestigious event, setting clear and achievable goals will guide your training and keep you motivated throughout the process.

Building Your Training Plan

A well-structured training plan is the foundation of marathon preparation. It should include a combination of running workouts, cross-training activities, rest days, and gradual mileage increases to build endurance and prevent injury. When designing your training plan, consider factors such as your current fitness level, weekly mileage, preferred training intensity, and available time for training.

Gradual Mileage Build-Up

One of the most critical aspects of marathon training is gradually increasing your weekly mileage to build endurance and prepare your body for the demands of race day. Start with a manageable base mileage and gradually increase your long run distance each week, following a structured progression to avoid overtraining and injury. Incorporate rest days and recovery runs into your schedule to allow your body to adapt and recover effectively.

Cross-Training and Strength Training

Incorporating cross-training activities and strength training into your marathon training plan can help improve overall fitness, prevent injury, and enhance running performance. Activities such as swimming, cycling, yoga, and strength training can complement your running workouts, strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, and reduce the risk of overuse injuries. Aim to include cross-training sessions 1-2 times per week to supplement your running regimen.

Recovery Time for the body

It is important to set aside recovery periods and breaks in your training. This is to give your body time to recover. By having a de-load week after a 6 week training section, is a great way to take the foot off the pedal just enough for the body to catch up. Enlisting the help of a qualified sports therapist to give your body the once over, a running MOT and health check and maybe indulge in a sports massage or two during your training is a great option.

Nutrition and Hydration

Proper nutrition and hydration are essential components of marathon preparation, both during training and on race day. Fuel your body with a balanced diet rich in carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables to support energy levels, muscle recovery, and overall health. Experiment with different pre-run and post-run meals to find what works best for you and practise your race day nutrition strategy during long training runs to ensure it’s effective and well-tolerated.

Hydration is equally important, especially during long runs and in hot or humid conditions. Stay hydrated throughout the day by drinking water regularly and replenish electrolytes lost through sweat with sports drinks or electrolyte supplements. On race day, familiarise yourself with the course’s water stations and develop a hydration plan to ensure you stay properly hydrated from start to finish.

Race Day Preparation

Race day preparation begins long before the starting line. In the days leading up to the marathon, focus on adequate rest, proper nutrition, and mental visualisation to prepare your body and mind for the challenge ahead. Lay out your race day gear, including your running outfit, shoes, hydration pack or belt, nutrition, and any other essentials, the night before to minimise stress and ensure you have everything you need on race day.

On the morning of the marathon, wake up early to allow plenty of time for a light breakfast, hydration, and warm-up exercises. Arrive at the race venue early to avoid last-minute rushing and familiarise yourself with the course, start line procedures, and logistical details. Stay relaxed, focused, and positive as you await the start of the race, and trust in your training and preparation to carry you through to the finish line.

During the Race

Once the race begins, focus on pacing yourself according to your race strategy and staying mentally strong and positive throughout the journey. Listen to your body, adjust your pace as needed, and fuel and hydrate regularly to maintain energy levels and prevent fatigue. Break the race into manageable segments, focus on one mile at a time, and draw inspiration from fellow runners, spectators, and the excitement of the event.

Post-Race Recovery

After crossing the finish line, take time to celebrate your accomplishment and reflect on your marathon journey. Rehydrate, refuel with a post-race meal or snack, and engage in light stretching or foam rolling to aid in muscle recovery and reduce soreness. Listen to your body in the days following the marathon, and gradually reintroduce light exercise and movement to promote recovery and prevent injury.


Preparing for a marathon requires dedication, discipline, and careful planning, but the rewards of crossing the finish line are well worth the effort. By setting realistic goals, building a structured training plan, focusing on proper nutrition and hydration, and staying mentally strong and positive, you can maximise your chances of success on race day. Remember to enjoy the journey, celebrate your achievements along the way, and embrace the challenge of the marathon with confidence and determination. Good luck, and happy running!

If you are in need of some support, whether that’s nutrition, strength and conditioning or simply a sports massage, then don’t hesitate to contact our team today. They are highly qualified and have worked within elite sports for many years, so they will be the best people to help.

Spring Wolf Run 2024

Conquering the Elements: Our Experience at the Spring Wolf Run

The Spring Wolf Run proved to be a weekend of adrenaline, camaraderie, and unforgettable challenges as participants braved rain, mud, and cold temperatures to conquer the wild terrain. As proud supporters of outdoor adventure and physical fitness, we were thrilled to be part of this epic event and provide essential recovery services to the intrepid Wolf Runners.

The Livewell recovery hub all set up and ready to go

Setting up our one-of-a-kind recovery hub, LIVE|Recover, we transformed the muddy landscape into an oasis of relaxation and rejuvenation. Equipped with state-of-the-art recovery tools and amenities, our recovery hub offered a sanctuary for weary runners in need of post-event care and restoration.

The livewell team ready and waiting to help the wolf runners recover

Amidst the rugged wilderness, our recovery hub featured ice recovery pods, providing relief for tired muscles and joints with targeted cold therapy. Meanwhile, mobile hot saunas with infrared light technology offered warmth and relaxation, allowing participants to unwind and recharge after a challenging day on the course.
For those seeking advanced recovery solutions, our compression boot therapy with anti-gravity chairs provided therapeutic relief, promoting circulation and reducing muscle soreness. Participants could also indulge in sports massage therapy, where our skilled therapists worked their magic to alleviate tension and improve recovery. In addition to these specialised services, our recovery hub boasted a stretch and recovery zone complete with theraguns, foam rollers, and other recovery tools to help runners optimise their recovery process and prepare for future adventures.

The inside of the recovery hub

Throughout the weekend, our team was on hand to patch up the Wolf Runners, offering support, encouragement, and expert care to ensure they could return to the course feeling refreshed and revitalised. Despite the challenging conditions, spirits remained high as participants embraced the spirit of adventure and camaraderie that defines the Wolf Run experience.

A wolf runner experiencing the cold plunge pods

As the sun set on the final day of the event, we couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride and satisfaction knowing that we had played a role in supporting the resilience and determination of the Wolf Runners. The Spring Wolf Run was more than just a race; it was a testament to the indomitable human spirit and the power of community coming together to overcome obstacles and achieve greatness.

Chante performing post event sports massage at the spring wolf run 2024

Looking ahead, we are excited to continue our partnership with the Wolf Run and provide essential recovery services to participants at future events. Whether rain or shine, mud or cold, we remain committed to helping adventurers push their limits and conquer new challenges, one muddy step at a time.

two ladies all warmed up enjoying the compression boot therapy

If you’re organising an outdoor adventure event and are in need of on-site recovery services, look no further than LIVE|Recover. Our team is dedicated to providing exceptional care and support to participants, ensuring they have the best possible experience before, during, and after their adventure. Together, we can conquer the elements and embrace the spirit of adventure with confidence and determination.

For further information please contact a member of our team to see how we can help your next event.

Supporting The British Heart Foundation – Manchester Marathon

Participating in the Manchester Marathon to support the British Heart Foundation (BHF) was an incredibly rewarding experience for our team. As advocates for health and well-being, we were honoured to provide post-event massage (sports massage) services to the dedicated runners who took on the challenge in support of heart health.

With a team of skilled sports therapists ready to lend a helping hand, we were able to offer much-needed recovery and support to the participants who had just completed the 26.2-mile race through the vibrant streets of Manchester. The atmosphere was buzzing with excitement and determination as runners crossed the finish line, and our manchester team was there to provide a comforting touch and expert care to help them recover and rejuvenate after their incredible achievement.

For years, we have been proud supporters of the British Heart Foundation and its mission to promote heart health and fund life-saving research. The Manchester Marathon provided us with an opportunity to directly contribute to this important cause and make a positive impact on the lives of those affected by heart disease.
As runners approached our recovery zone where we were providing the much needed sports massage, weary but triumphant, our team greeted them with smiles and encouragement. We listened to their stories of triumph and perseverance, offering a sympathetic ear and a healing touch to soothe tired muscles and alleviate post-race aches and pains.

The sense of camaraderie and community at the Manchester Marathon was palpable, with runners, supporters, and volunteers coming together to celebrate the achievements of the participants and raise awareness for heart health. It was inspiring to see individuals of all ages and backgrounds unite in support of a common cause, fueled by a shared passion for making a difference.

Marvin doing Post Event Sports Massage at the Manchester Event with British Heart Foundation

As the day progressed and the last of the runners crossed the finish line, we couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride and gratitude for being a part of such a meaningful event. The Manchester Marathon with the British Heart Foundation is more than just a race; it’s a powerful symbol of hope, resilience, and the unwavering commitment to promoting heart health and saving lives.

As we packed up our massage tables and reflected on the day’s events, we were reminded of the importance of supporting organisations like the British Heart Foundation in their mission to fight heart disease and improve cardiovascular health. Our partnership with the BHF has allowed us to directly impact the lives of those affected by heart disease, and we are committed to continuing our support in the years to come.

If you’re organising an event and are in need of on-site event massage or recovery services, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team are dedicated to providing exceptional care and support to participants and with our latest venture, LIVE|Recover, we ensure they have the best possible experience before, during, and after their event. Together, we can make a difference and support worthy causes like the British Heart Foundation in their mission to promote heart health and save lives.

For further information, please contact a member of our team today and we will be only too happy to help!

Marvin and Amad at the Manchester Marathon doing Sports Massage

Making A Difference At The London Marathon

On Sunday 21st April 2024, our team attended the London Marathon at the request of Pancreatic Cancer to provide much needed event massage services to their dedicated runners, we have worked with this lovely charity for the last 3 years and is always a highlight of our year. This year was no exception as we had the privilege of providing on-site post-event sports massage, sports therapy, and physiotherapy services to the incredible participants who crossed the finish line in support of this important cause.

The livewell sports therapy team providing post event massage at the London Marathon
The livewell sports therapy team providing post event massage at the London Marathon

As part of our commitment to supporting charitable organisations and promoting health and well-being in our community, we proudly offered our expertise to Pancreatic Cancer and its runners. With a team of 10 skilled sports therapists on hand, we were able to provide much-needed recovery and support to the marathon participants who had just completed the gruelling 26.2-mile race.

Our team has been attending the London Marathon to support Pancreatic Cancer for several years now, and each year brings new experiences and opportunities to make a difference. From providing post-race massages to offering guidance and support to runners recovering from injuries, we were honoured to play a role in helping them achieve their goals and overcome challenges.

A sports therapist performing a sports massage
A sports therapist performing a sports massage

The atmosphere at the London Marathon is always electric, with thousands of spectators cheering on the runners as they make their way through the iconic streets of London. As our team worked tirelessly to provide post-event care to the participants, we were inspired by their determination, resilience, and unwavering commitment to making a difference in the fight against pancreatic cancer.

Despite the physical and mental challenges that come with running a marathon, the runners we had the pleasure of working with were in high spirits and grateful for the support they received. It was incredibly rewarding to see the smiles on their faces as they received a well-deserved massage or a few words of encouragement from our team.

As the day came to a close and the last of the runners crossed the finish line, we couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride and fulfilment knowing that we had played a small part in their journey. The London Marathon for Pancreatic Cancer is not just a race; it’s a symbol of hope, resilience, and the power of community coming together to make a difference.

Hannah doing post event massage for a runner
Hannah doing post event massage for a runner

As we reflect on our amazing experience at the London Marathon, we are reminded of the importance of supporting charitable causes and giving back to those in need. We are grateful for the opportunity to be a part of such a meaningful event and look forward to continuing our partnership with Pancreatic Cancer in the years to come.

If you’re organising an event and are in need of on-site event massage or recovery services, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team is dedicated to providing exceptional care and support to participants, ensuring they have the best possible experience before, during, and after their event. Together, we can make a difference and support worthy causes like Pancreatic Cancer in their mission to raise awareness and find a cure.